The Not-So-Secret

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The next day at school, I was trying my best to avoid anyone who would in any way question me about the camping trip or anything that happened after that. So basically all my good friends. I was able to manage avoiding them during classes, lunch time by going off campus and the halls by rushing between classes. But it was football practice that I was worried about. How could I possibly avoid Sawyer, Newt, Luis, Ricky AND Hunter during practice? I was kinda hoping Troy might've come up with a plan...

"We'll just wing it!" Troy suggested proudly. "Wing it?!" I questioned with disappointment. "We can't just wing it, Troy. Remember what happened last time you decided to just wing it?" I asked. "Nope, I was too busy winging it" Troy answered. I rolled my eyes. What ever happened to the protective, romantic Troy? The old self-centred, idiotic Troy was back in play. "Troy, listen. We gotta come up with a--" I stopped when I realized Troy was long gone. I shut my locker door and saw Troy walking into the locker room. "Oh cheese! He's winging it!" I slapped my forehead. I ran after him into the locker room.

I stopped and stared when I saw Troy standing on the bench, the entire team surrounding him as he continued to talk, ignoring my presence. "Then I was all like 'I'll save you, Bella!' and I jumped in and wrestled that bear and saved Bella's life!" Troy lied proudly. The team oohed and awed in amazement. I rolled my eyes, so much for a good cover up story. Troy jumped down off the bench and walked toward me. "Nailed it!" he bragged as he walked passed me and over to his locker. "Really? You saved my life by wrestling with a bear? You really believe we can keep this story up? The guys may be dumb enough to believe that, but there's no way Coach is going to buy it." I nagged. "You were brave, Dixon. Wrestling with that bear to save Dawson's life? I'm impressed" Coach announced. "You've gotta be kidding me" I mumbled under my breath. "It was nothing" Troy winked at him. "Yeah, sounds like true love" Coach added. "Whoa whoa whoa, love?!" I interrupted. The entire team turned their attention toward me. "Troy and I are NOT in love!" I declared. "Whatever you say, Dawson. Now get changed and get the team on the field!" Coach demanded. "Right! Sorry Coach!" I apologized, rushing into my lock-her. I changed into my equipment and jersey as fast as I could and rallied the team onto the field.

"Okay, listen up y'all!" I yelled as I lead the team into the field. "Umm, Troy's gonna lead y'all in warm-up! Do what he says, while I stand over here and refuse to answer your questions about my personal life!" I stated and sat down on the bench. The team all gave me a weird look, then turned to Troy who began instructing warm-up. "Hey Bella!" I heard a familiar voice call. "Newt" I thought to myself. The small figure sat down next to me and smiled. "Newt, go practice" I instructed. "I am!" Newt informed. "Huh?" I questioned, turning toward him. "This is how I practice. I just sit, and sit and sit...and sit on the bench" Newt explained. I gave him a funny look. "What? It takes practice and skill to do it right" Newt sassed. I threw my hands up in defense and turned my attention back onto the field. "Bella?" he asked. "Uh huh?" I answered. "I know Troy didn't really wrestle a bear" Newt claimed. I turned and looked at him seriously. "I mean come on. Anyone could've figured it out. I mean, with those noodle arms, please." Newt chuckled. I laughed. I knew winging it was a bad idea. "Their not noodle arms! He's bulking up!" I defended. Newt gave me a "really?" look. "He just started!" I added. "Wait a second..." Newt drifted off. I knew he was getting suspicious, I jumped in alarm hoping he wouldn't say anything. "You like Troy!" Newt suggested with a big smile on his face. "What?! Me! Newt, that's crazy! Have you been eating cafeteria food?" I asked. "No...but wait...if you like Troy, then why was he making up a fake cover story?" Newt puzzled. "Exactly! It's completely unlogical!" I sighed in relief. "Troy likes you! You like Troy! You...wait...what did you two do?" Newt asked in a weird lovey voice. "Nothing!" I said shamefully. Newt looked at me with disappointment. "Okay, fine. I do need to get this off my chest" I gave in. "Troy slept over at my house the other night. With my my bed...but we didn't do anything THAT weird, like losing our virginity or anything. We just, cuddled. That's all." I explained. "Intensely" I added. "Oh my gosh! I have to tell Sawyer! And Sophie! And Pepper! And Asha!" Newt went on. "No no no, Newt! You CANNOT tell anyone! Nobody, not even yourself, or especially Zach or Charlie" I demanded. "B-But I-I already know" Newt said. "Newt!" I raised my voice. "Okay okay, I won't tell Newt or anyone else." Newt declared. "Good" I smiled, walking over to the team. Newt was biting his finger nails. I knew not telling was absolutely KILLING him, but if anyone else ever found out, I'd be dead. Troy would too. But apparently I need him alive so he can wrestle another bear for me. Lol, I'm so kidding. He couldn't wrestle a small dog.

The next day, Newt anxiously ran up to me while I cleaned out my locker. "Bella! I'm really really sorry but I told someone!" Newt cried of guilt. "Who?!" I demanded. But when I turned around and saw who was behind me, I knew exactly who Newt had told.

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