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I woke up to find myself still laying on the ground behind the school. Charlotte, Ace, the entire school was gone. It was just me, lying there a wuss. Charlotte was right, what was I thinking? I didn't move, I just lied there in my own thoughts. "They all just left me here?" I thought. Nobody really cared enough that I had been unconscious, and they all just left me there? Rude. I looked over to my left, it hurt my neck to turn my head, and saw my phone lying there on the cold hard ground. I tried to move, but I couldn't. Then suddenly, I felt somebody kneeling down beside me. "Bella? Are you okay? Bella??" they asked. I knew that voice. It was Charlie, Sawyer's cousin from the farm. I couldn't move and I didn't feel like I could say much either. Charlie was really cute and like, the entire package. I would've been flattered if he were talking to me while I wasn't lying beaten on the ground behind the school. Charlie picked up my phone and opened the lock screen. "How does he know my passcode?" I thought, but not enough to care. Just then Charlie kneeled down beside me again. "Don't worry, Bella, help is on the way, you're going to be okay" Charlie claimed. He grabbed my hand and held it in his. He gently rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. "Wow, you're hurt bad" he judged looking at me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. "No, Bella. You can't pass out again. C'mon, stay awake" I begged myself. Just then I heard sirens and emergency vehicles. Charlie held my hand in one hand and my phone in the other. The ambulance, fire and police vehicles all pulled up at once. Charlie stepped back and let several responders study me. They started yelling and one brought in a stretcher. They loaded me on and into the back of the ambulance. I saw two or three of them surrounding Charlie, asking him questions and writing down all he said. I saw Charlie get into the back of one of the police cars as two officers got in front. They closed the doors to the ambulance and I could no longer see Charlie anymore.

We got to the hospital and they took me into a vacant room. They hooked me up to life support. I saw Charlie walk in out of the corner of my eye. He sat down on the edge of my bed. "Hey ya doing?" he asked in a sweet voice. I tried to smile, but it hurt just to try. A doctor and a nurse walked in and began talking to each other. Charlie and I both drew our attention toward them. "The mom's on her way, there's no dad" the doctor told the nurse. "My mom knows now, I feel a bit better emotionally." I thought. Charlie talked to me for a while before my mom came. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but when he pulled it out, I saw that it was mine. Charlie began texting whoever it was. It was Troy.

Troy: Hey Bella! What you doing today?

Bella: Umm, it's not Bella. It's Charlie, Bella's been hospitalized on life support.

Troy: What?! Are you messing with me?! Seriously?!

Bella: No, I'm with her right now.

Troy: What happened???

Bella: I don't really know, I just found her beat up behind the school and called 911 on her phone.

Troy: Oh my god!! What hospital are you at????

Bella: I think it's Silverado County.

Troy: Good, I'll be there soon. Is Bella conscious?

Bella: She is awake but she's unresponsive.

Troy: Oh my gosh, okay we'll be there soon.

Charlie set my phone down and his attention was back on me. Suddenly I saw my mom rush in with the most terrified look on her face I've ever seen. "Bella! Honey, are you okay!?" she panicked as she sat next to Charlie. Charlie got up and sat on the chair by the wall. I tried nodding my head to my mom but it hurt too much. The doctor came in with a clipboard. "Are you the parent or guardian of Dawson, Isabella?" he asked. My mom nodded rapidly. "We have the injury report on her" he said. "What is it?!" my mom begged. "Well, she's got an internal head injury, we're thinking a concussion. Also she has a broken bone in each of her legs, one being the largest bone in the body. She's also got a few major bruises. No sexual assault was determined, so that's good news. Her arms are both badly bruised but no broken bones. She broke a few bones in her right foot as well." he explained. "Oh my baby!" my mom began crying. "She'll be scheduled for surgery for her legs at 2pm. It'll take about 3 hours." he added. The nurse offered to take my mom into the waiting room and get her a drink of water or coffee. Charlie came and sat beside me when everyone else left. "Wish you the best of luck, Bella. Here's your phone, I'll be back to see you tomorrow" he smiled. He walked out and called his mom to come pick him up.

I examined the room for a while. It was 1:00 and there was only an hour until I was scheduled for surgery. I was terrified, I've never even come close to having to go into surgery before. I looked out the window at Silverado, Texas. Tears filled my eyes. It was a beautiful sunny day, I saw cars driving, people walking and smiling. One second, I'm one of them. The next, I'm hospitalized and can't even move my legs. I saw a young girl, about my age, jumping, laughing, spinning and running. Just yesterday, I could do exactly that. Now I can't even sit up on my own. I felt tears rushing down my face, but I couldn't move to wipe them away. "The world used to be mine." I thought. "Now I'm hardly even apart of it" I continued to cry as my thoughts were filled with old memories. Running, cheerleading, playing football, sitting in class, holding my own head up. Camping, riding my bike. The summer I once had. It was only September and I was already gone. I heard a familiar voice cry my name. I turned my head slightly to see Troy standing in the doorway, tears filled his eyes. "Bella! Oh my gosh, are you okay? I missed you, I was so worried about you, what happened?!" Troy cried. He sat next to me and hugged me, I squealed in pain. "Oops, sorry.." Troy backed off of me. "It's okay" I had finally said. My voice sounded exactly the same, just like I'd remembered it. "What happened?!" Troy demanded. "Charlotte Newman. She threatened me if I didn't meet her behind the school to literally fight for you." I explained. "Whoa whoa, fought her for me?!" I saw Troy beginning to cry. "Well it was more of her pounding the life out of me than it was a fight." I argued. "But it was either that or lose you to her" I added. "Bella! You wouldn't have lost me! I make my own decisions and no matter what I wouldn't have let her take me away from you." Troy cried. "Really?" I started crying too. "My god, Bella, of course!" Troy cried. I tried to hug him, but I screamed in pain. "It's okay, Bella. I know you love me, and I love you twice as much. Don't hurt yourself anymore." Troy demanded. "Well it's 1:50" I said. "Yeah, so?" Troy asked. "I'm going into surgery in 10 minutes." I explained. "Surgery?!" Troy yelled. I nodded. "Why?!" he asked. "I have several broken bones. But it's okay, Troy. They're fixing me, not hurting me" I smiled. Troy let out a breath as the doctor walked in. "Okay Miss Bella, you ready?" he asked. I nodded. "I'll be right here when you get out" Troy promised. The doctor took me into the operating room and gave me knock out gas. I was out, surgery was to begin.

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