The Final Straw

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All was right in the world. Troy and I were perfectly happy together, life was going great. I was on the road to recovery after Charlotte beat me up, I was even starting to use the crutches instead of the wheelchair. It was amazing! Nothing more was to be said. I ended up telling everybody that we've been doing things together and they all were okay with it. All except for one.

Hey y'all! Yes, this story is ending. But as you can see, I left it off on a cliff-hanger. There is going to be a sequel. I just felt like this one was having several little plots and was just becoming repetitive, so I decided 18 chapters is enough. So I'll be writing the sequel, "Secret Love" after school today and I'm super excited. I'll give you a hint, there'll be love triangles! 😱 So around 5-6pm tonight I'll be starting that. I hope everyone enjoyed the last couple chapters of this story. It was fun making it for you guys! Love y'all so much! Thank you for reading!

Bella Dawson 💞

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