Flooding Back Memories

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I got up early in the morning, I was far too excited to sleep. After weeks and weeks of being stuck in this hospital, I'm finally going to get some ACTUAL air! 😱 #MindBlown. I was unbelievably excited for noon, when my release was official! "Good morning, Miss Bella" the nurse said handing me a bowl of cereal. "Morning Nurse! Is my release still same as planned?" I asked to make for sure. "Actually it's been changed to next week" she said dissatisfied. I said not a word, my jaw dropped in shock and tears began filling my green eyes. "Just kidding!" she began laughing. "We're still on schedule!" she smiled. I held my hand to my chest and let out a breath of relief. "Not funny..." I said slightly laughing but not really. "Sorry, Bella! Just thought I'd play a little trick on you, that's all. Don't worry, nothing has changed!" she smiled, walking out of the room.

The morning went by slow as slow can be. Finally, it was only 2 minutes until noon and my heart was pounding out of my chest. It hit noon just as the nurse walked in. "You know what time it is?" she asked. "Duh! Of course I do, my absolute favourite time of the day!" I clenched my fist in happiness. "Lunch time!" she giggled. My smile faded. "I'm kidding, your mother is in the waiting room to pick you up" she added. "Omg, you gotta stop doing that!" I laughed. I got out of my bed and into my wheelchair. "We're also giving you a set of crutches for 3 weeks from now. That's when you can get out of that wheelchair and walk on those instead" she explained. "Cool, I'll decorate those at home!" I decided. She wheeled me out front to the waiting room. I saw my mom reading a cooking magazine and Troy sitting hesitantly beside her. "Bella!" Troy yelled as loud as he could, without a care. He rushed over to me and squeezed my small frame. "Troy!" I cried into his shoulder. "You ready to get home, honey?" My mom suddenly appeared next to him. I nodded rapidly. Troy grabbed the handles on my wheelchair and rolled me outside. My mom was still in the hospital taking to the nurse.

"Oh my gosh!! The air is cleaner than I remember!" I gasped in happiness. "That's not it, it's just that the hospital air is so gross it makes earth air smell like roses" Troy explained. "Earth air?" I questioned. "What am I supposed to call it?" he laughed. Troy strolled me around the outside of the hospital, it felt so great being outside again. "Race ya!" I challenged him. "Really? You wanna go there?" Troy laughed. "Bring it, Wonder Boy" I accepted. Troy began running at full speed as I rolled my wheels after him. He beat me, of course. "You could've let me win" I suggested at the end of the race. "Where's the fun in that?" Troy asked. "Bella! Troy! Time to go!" we heard my mom call from the parking lot. We made our way over to my car, I had missed it so much. Troy helped me out of my wheelchair and into the seat behind the passenger. He then hopped in the middle seat next to me as my mom loaded my wheelchair into the back of the car with my crutches. And we were off, back to where I belonged.

The drive seemed longer than it did when I was on my way to the hospital. But that's maybe because I was only 25% conscious. Troy set his hand on my leg without the cast, but the one with the bandage wrapped around it. I looked down at him and smiled, placing my hand on top of his. He smiled at me as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I saw my mom watching out of the corner of her eye and smiling in a serious but jokingly sarcastic way. When we got home, I was so excited to see my room again. My pictures of my friends and family, my own bed. It was all so exciting. Troy helped me back into my wheelchair and my mom took the crutches inside. When I got up to the doorstep, I saw that they'd installed a ramp at the door, just for me. They did the same to the stairs going up to my bedroom. I got into my room with Troy, and it was all liked I had remembered. I went around hugging every single item I owned. The world was mine once again.

Troy sat on my bed and fiddled with my football. It was white on the bottom, pretty rare it was. I strolled myself up to him and grabbed his attention. Troy pulled me out of the wheelchair and onto the bed next to me. I started laughing as Troy tickled me hard, just like old times. Like that camping trip we took over the summer. Boy, what I'd do to go back to that day. Troy pulled me close to him and I snuggled up next to him. He rubbed my back and neck gently, avoiding all my injuries a much as possible. I rubbed his chest, he laughed lightly. I brought my hand down to his leg and began slowly caressing it. Lucky him, he wasn't injured and I didn't have to work around him. I loved the blue and green long pyjamas he wore, they made him look so damn cute, it was hard for me to think straight. Troy rubbed me right below my chest, on my stomach. I laughed. I wore my black shorts (I couldn't wear pants with the huge pink cast on my leg) and my pink Tony Romo jersey that my dad got me as a child. I wore my pink stripped fluffy socks to warm my feet. Troy kissed my cheek lightly, then let me react. I pulled him closer to me and continued rubbing him. He kissed my face over and over again, multiple times before gently moving to my neck. He dug his fingers into my arm, pulling on me, scratching me to support himself. I didn't mind, I loved it more than it hurt. He began deeply kissing my chest and neck. I rubbed his head and pulled his hair lightly but kinda violently, apparently he didn't mind much either. Troy gripped the collar of my shirt and continued kissing me. I made struggling noises as I tried to keep my breath. Just then my mom walked in on us. "Bella?" she asked. I flipped off Troy and turned to her. "Yeah?" I said under my breath, casually but not. "Y-You want some ice cream, to help you feel better?" she suggested. "Umm, yah. I feel fine but that sounds great!" I smiled. She nodded, closing the door behind her. I lifted my head off my hand and flopped onto the bed, and sighed. Troy laid down next to me and looked at me. "I really like you, Bella. I mean, like a lot. Like a whole bunch. You umm...mean, like everything to me and stuff" he said hesitantly, clearly terrified for my response. I giggled and faced him, pulling him closer and rubbing my hands along his body. He began caressing me back. "You know we're gonna have to tell them about us and this eventually." Troy pointed out. "I know, but I'd rather do it later than sooner. Sophie's gonna kill me for doing this with you" I said. "Yeah, well she can't hurt you enough, you've already been through the worst. She'd be cruel to put you back in the hospital" Troy giggled. "Dude...not funny" I tried not to laugh, but it was true. We fell asleep close enough to feel each other's breath.

I woke up the next day, at 6:00AM as usual to shower. My mom set a stool in the shower for me to sit on. When I got in the shower, it oddly wasn't my internal injuries from Charlotte stinging. It was several little cuts on the outside. "What? Where'd these come from?" I thought. Then I remembered Troy almost dying, losing his breath, trying to stay stable last night during our "session" last night. He was using me as some sort of scratching pole. My arms were covered in little scratches that stung like hell. "Eh, it'll be fine after the shower" I realized.

At school, everything was going great. My teachers were all giving me time to catch up and excused me from several assignments. My lock-her was decorated with "Welcome Back, Bella!" signs, balloons, cards and decorations everywhere. All my friends and classmates missed me, and life was going great. Except nobody could know about what Troy and I did last night or those nights before the accident, like THE last night (Night from a previous chapter). It was hard to hide from people, all the scratches all over me, but it was only the beginning of that.

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