Chapter 3

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Demon learned a long time ago that the best way to communicate was just to listen, scowl and give short answers and/or comments. It worked for him in the past and he was sure that it will work perfectly now.

Early in the day he was summoned by Haarssiansaall for what he assumed was another lecture on "blasting warrior-bots is not a good thing" or "you do not threaten our people". Not that he really cared about what the ugly one had to say. Demon did everything that he had to do: went into his torture-training room every couple of month, which lasted only an hour in real world, meditated and most importantly of all he protected the green creatures that made him into what he was.

Haarssiansaall still felt that he had to scold Demon at least once per week. He was the only one on the ship who wasn't afraid to do it.

"Why did you scare Aarshaiini?" without any greeting the old scientist got right to the point. Not that Demon expected anything else.

"He was just giving you the instructions on your next assignment on this ship. You have to listen to your superiors. And even the lowliest of our kind is better than you. You have to remember your place. Don't ever forget your purpose!"

Somehow that last comment got Demon angrier than usual. While dealing with this race he was used to feeling irritated all the time. Anger and annoyance helped cover other emotions that he didn't want to think about.

Today Demon felt especially emotional and when the last of Haarssiansaall's comments were out his scowl deepened and his eyes flashed red. The head scientist noticed the signs of the upcoming storm so he immediately changed the topic.

"But that's not why I send for you. There is a mission on the planet you need to complete." Without waiting for any kind of reaction from his charge, not that he could get any, Haarssiansaall continued. "Creatures of this planet are the enemies of our race. It was partially their fault that our home planet is gone. You will destroy them all. No, wait. Let me rephrase that. You will personally destroy them all. I order you to go down to the planet and kill each and every one of them in the most painful way possible."

During his life with these green creepy-crawly (^_^) creatures Demon learned to distinguish their moods by their expressions and by brown limbs on their backs. Judging from the way Haarssiansaall's appendages were moving the old scientist was very happy.

"You will leave on this mission immediately!" Haarssiansaall finished and than turned to walk out of the lab.

Demon, with his enhanced hearing, could distinguish the old creature mumbling things like "…all dead…" and "…we will have our revenge…"

The young hybrid was used to missions with different degrees of destruction - it came with a job. Every once in a while the ship would float near some unsuspecting planet that Demon would then be send to destroy. He would just fly out of the ship and destroy it with his energy. It was never a requirement to be up-close-and-personal with the beings he was send to kill. Not that he cared about that. He had enough of one-on-one fighting during his training hours (years?).

But this time it was different. This time Haarssiansaall specifically asked/ordered Demon to go down to the planet.

He really didn't feel like killing any weaklings, that were not green, today. But he didn't have a choice, right?

Demon's eyes slowly turned blue as he made his way to the docking sector.

His scowl disappeared and his young face became emotionless.

It was going to be a lo-ong day.


Demon was tired. Physically he was the strongest being in the Universe, but his mental state was much weaker. He meditated every day and it helped gain control over his powers and emotions but sometimes that control would slip.

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