Chapter 5

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Four years later…

Demon was tired.

Ever since he became free Demon was searching.

He looked for two things. First of all he wanted to find his past.

Until two years ago he didn't know he had any. For one whole year he was just cruising along in the ship that didn't really belong to him. He trained, he learned and he had fun as much as possible under the circumstances.

Demon also explored the ship. It took him a long time to finally look at every place and even longer to examine them. While the insect race still existed, they didn't let him wonder around in the ship. As soon as the green race was extinguished, Demon began exploring.

After first couple of weeks he realized just how big the ship was. It did serve as a home to the whole race of insects that reproduced by laying eggs. Demon expected it to be big, but its actual size still surprised him.

The speed of the ship was also a surprise, and not a pleasant one, ether. The old piece of junk was slower than slow. It would have been faster if Demon got out and pushed, which he wasn't wiling to do at the moment. He was in no hurry to go anywhere.

He was content in just examining the ship and all its records.

Demon stumbled upon a record about himself about a year after he started his research.

It confused him.

Ii said that the subject of the experiment, himself, wasn't created in the lab. How he was found, what was done with him, how his body reacted - all these things and more were found by Demon. Documents claimed that his origins were unknown, but what got to Demon was the idea that he actually had origins.

He had a mother and a father.

Long time ago he was probably accepted by some race as one of their own…

And most importantly of all, he probably had a home planet.

Demon found more questions than he did answers, but all this unprocessed information gave Demon a purpose.

He wasn't naïve enough to think that "his" people would accept him as he was now: with his claws, tail and everything. He was also skeptical about his birth parents. It was a slim chance that they actually cared about him then. If they did, then what was he doing drifting through space on his own? But, if for some unknown reason they did like him then they would certainly not remember him now.

He just wanted to find his home planet. He wanted to find his past. He wanted to know.

It was one of his reasons to go on. The second reason was a little different.



"He hurt me…"

"It's ok. Lay still. It will all be over soon."

"He was… bad person… "

"Shhh… I'll find him. He will pay for everything. I promise!"

"That's… nice…" coughing sound "Thank… you…"

"Don't worry about it. I will take care of you!"

"Please… Help me… It hurts…"

"I will take care of you…" tears were rolling down Demon's cheeks.

"Please… it hurts… I… can't…"

"Everything will be fine" he gathered a small ki ball in his hand "The pain will stop"

Life of a Demon (Story of Evil Gohan)Where stories live. Discover now