Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

What was this thing? Cell just couldn't understand it. How could it be that he, the strongest being in the Universe, was being defeated by some little freak with claws and tail? He just couldn't believe it - his mind simply wouldn't gasp the concept.

As if to confuse him even more, Demon attacked again. Just a lightning-fast - no, wait, faster than lightning - swipe at Cell with his claws. The android wouldn't have been able to dodge it even if he'd seen it coming. The razor sharp claws made contact with flesh. Cell screamed in agony, cut almost in half by the force of the blow.

Light-blue eyes slowly and impartially assessed the damage. Cell had already started to regenerate, but the pain was still great judging from the tortured screams that he was emitting. Demon looked unimpressed, while Cell looked absolutely shocked and horrified.

"I'm really sorry about this," Demon began, silently contradicting his statement by the little predatory smirk that was tugging at his lips "but I have to kill you." Now the sneer left his face and Demon looked almost bored. "Nothing personal, you understand." Demon was already raising his hand for the final blast. "I have to make a living too, you know. So, no hard feelings, right?" After saying that last bit Demon started slowly gathering the energy. He didn't want to accidentally destroy the whole planet or anything. If he did something like that, his contract would probably be terminated. It just wouldn't do to destroy the planet he was sworn to protect. Not yet, at least.

"No, please… wait!" Cell was horrified by what was about to happen. He couldn't die! Not yet... And certainly not by the hand of a child! "NO!"


Demon had taken his time coming to this strange little planet called Earth. According to the database he found on his ship, Earth was a tiny planet mostly covered by water and populated by a large population of weak creatures that liked to call themselves humans, people or mankind… None of the terms were familiar to Demon, so he decided to learn everything he could about this planet. He had always made a habit of trying to learn as much as possible about all his assignments - unless he was sent to obliterate the planet/person, in which case he preferred to know only the necessary things.

It didn't matter what he did, or what he had to go through - contrary to popular belief he still had some feelings left. Though he had tried hard to wipe them out, and almost succeeded.


"Why are you acting so cold? Even your eyes look just like little pieces of ice…"

Demon's new assignment was to protect the great king of this planet. The star that was the source of heat for this planet had died a long time ago, so now this world was just one dark, solid block of ice. It was only thanks to the advanced technology of "The Great Ones" (that's what the humanoids wanted to be called) that they survived and were now living quite comfortably.

Regardless of how developed the science was, they still had a monarch who ruled over the planet, and that was why Demon was currently there. He was to protect the cazaare - the ruler of the planet. According to "The Great Ones" their current monarch wasn't the best thing that ever happened to them. They were trying to get rid of him in any way possible, and had eventually hired an off planet assassin. For suitable protection, the cazaare got himself an off planet bodyguard - Demon.

Personally, he would prefer to kill the king himself. Unfortunately, he wasn't willing to kill the humanoid for free, just for the good of the people, and the resistance had already hired someone else to do the assassination. So, Demon was stuck protecting the bastard. And that's where he met her.

"Why won't you answer me?" asked the light haired little girl, still poking at Demon.

Demon just sent her a glare. Even to those who didn't know him, one glare from Demon was enough to send them on their way - yet the little female appeared to be completely unaffected by it. It surprised him more than anything.

"Is there something wrong with your voice? Was there some kind of a terrible accident in space, so now you can't talk anymore? Or maybe it's against your beliefs. You're a different race, so maybe your people don't talk at all! What race are you? How old are you? Where are your parents? Do you want to play with me?" amazingly, all these questions were said in one breath. After the little girl was satisfied that she didn't forget anything important, she raised her dark eyes expectantly.

Instead of feeling irritated with all the questions, Demon felt strangely content. For the first time in his life somebody was nice to him and all these questions, he felt, came from genuine curiosity.

"No. No. Maybe. No. I don't know. I don't know. I don't have any." with uncharacteristic patience, Demon answered all of the questions. Before the last syllabus left his mouth another set of questions were thrown at him and he dealt with them the best he could.

The little girl, she was probably around five, looked happy for some reason, just to be talking with Demon. She would chatter aimlessly and then ask him more questions. Demon's answers would be short and to the point, but the little girl seemed to be content with that.

She was in the middle of asking another question when she almost shouted "Wow, your eyes changed color! They're a pretty green now! How did you do that? Can you teach me? Please?"

~End Flashback~

As a policy, Demon always tried to forget the things that happened to him. Some things he couldn't forget, and those he tried to ignore...


The android called Cell was dead, blasted into dust by Demon.

It looked like Cell had fun on this planet. It lay in ruins, inhabitants - dead. Just a small number of natives, or what Demon assumed to be natives, survived. They were watching him now, all of them in a state of shock - not that Demon gave a damn about anybody.

Not even himself.

As if to contradict his thought, though, he remembered the strange feeling of loss and regret he felt when the man called Goku was killed by Cell. Demon assumed that the human tried to protect his planet from the threat and died trying. Demon felt respect and some other strange feelings towards the man - he couldn't understand where these feelings were coming from, but he almost felt guilt for not saving the weakling.


Demon learned long ago that emotions were a weakness, and he was anything but weak. He tried to forget about this whole thing. His job was done. The planet still existed. Cell was dead.

Unable to leave the planet, Demon flew off to meditate, resolutely ignoring the spectators - who couldn't help staring at him as if they knew him…

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