Chapter 4

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Haarssiansaall was worried. No, that wasn't the right word to describe his state at the moment. He was greatly disturbed? Nope, still not descriptive enough. Scared shitless? Yep - perfect.

Demon didn't break. The old scientist was so sure that training chamber would be enough to keep his weapon under control, but it didn't work the way he planed. Now, according to the reports Haarssiansaall received from his assistants, Demon was acting unusual.

Haarssiansaall's mind was on overload. You could almost see his brain, or whatever filled his upper appendage, working to find an explanation.

It didn't take him long to come up with one.

Everything was quite simple, really.

He just didn't understand the hybrid!

-- was the sole reason for his current troubles.

Why couldn't the little alien be dominated?

Why, after not knowing anything about it the breed had so much pride?

And most important question of all was…

Why didn't he break?

Haarssiansaall great mind just couldn't understand. He was confused and that's how Demon found him.

Immediately, the old alien tried to get away from the fierce creature now standing in front of him .

And Demon was fierce. His untamed and spiky hair in combination with elongated fangs and pointed ears made Demon look wild. But what scared old "man" the most were Demon's eyes. They were glowing bright red.

Green creature didn't stand a shadow of a chance against Demon in a fight and they both new it.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" Was all Haarssiansaall could say.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Demon flashed him a predatory grin. "I'm here to kill you, you bastard."

Now with each word the scientist was moving farther and farther back.

"I should have done it a long time ago." Demon was now moving in on his "creator".

"N-no! STOP!!! Y-you CAN'T do this to me! I can't die!" Haarssiansaall was rumbling in fear while Demon looked almost exited. At this moment his name suited him perfectly.

"Don't worry. You won't die." Before Haarssiansaall could let out a sigh of relief Demon continued "I'm planning on torturing you first. Let's see how long you can last."

The old alien couldn't speak anymore. He was too terrified to do anything. He couldn't even beg. Not that it would have made a difference.

Growing tired of the intimidation game Demon moved in on the Haarssiansaall. He went for the eyes. He wanted to just knock the old creep down, relieving him of his sight in the presses, but it seemed that the creature was just too week.

With an ear piercing scream Haarssiansaall went down. Demon was left standing there, surprised. No one could be that weak?

But apparently Haarssiansaall was, because the scientist wasn't moving. He just laid there, now covered in what Demon assumed to be his blood.

Demon didn't know whom he was disgusted with the most. The old geezer, for dieing so fast, or with himself for killing him right away and not stretching out the pleasure.

It wasn't fair.

Haarssiansaall had to suffer.

Demon felt angry, but than again. He had a ship full of creatures to take his frustration on.

He understood now that somebody tried to wipe out this race for a reason and now he, Demon, will finish the job.




What is that thing?

Is it a monster?


NO, it's that hybrid!

Eeeeeeau… get it away from me…


Know your place, hybrid!

Take THIS, you hybrid!


Can I kill it? Please?

It's eyes are red…

No! Please don't touch me!


It scares me!

There's that hybrid, let's get out of here…


End Flashback


Demon didn't know what to do. Now he was his own master. He could do whatever he wanted. He didn't have to listen to anybody, ever again.

The whole universe was open to him and now that he had his very own ship he could fully explore it.

Demon was on his way to the control room after his "cleanup". Most walls were covered in green goo, some of them were damaged while others were missing and it smelled like something nasty was burned. In some places on the ship, like in this hallway, Demon had to actually cover his sensitive nose to keep himself from running in the opposite direction.

His "cleanup" created a mess.

Demon's eyes now had their greenish color back. He felt good. And the reason for it was that…

…the green race of intelligent aliens no longer existed…

Life of a Demon (Story of Evil Gohan)Where stories live. Discover now