Chapter 8

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Son Chi-Chi was on her way to see her precious baby. Gohan was alive, and nothing would prevent his mother from going to see him. Speeding the stolen jet copter up, Chi-Chi didn't even try to restrain her happiness: Gohan was back!

Chi-Chi could still vividly remember the pain and loss she'd felt when Goku's good-for-nothing brother took Gohan away from her. Stealing her little baby and sending him off into space all alone… She had looked all over for her son, as did the others - there was nothing they could do except search the planet and try to wish the boy back with Dragonballs, so that's exactly what they did. The entire planet was thoroughly searched, but Gohan wasn't anywhere. When that had failed, they tried wishing him back with the Dragonballs, but that didn't work either. Shenlong simply said that it was "not possible to bring Gohan back home," then calmly asked for their next wish.

Her pain was unbearable. Her child was gone. Gohan didn't exist anymore - he was probably dead, or dying, or in excruciating torture... No one else could fully understand the magnitude of her pain, not even Goku. Every day, Chi-Chi felt her heart being torn to pieces by the knowledge that she would never see her sweet baby boy again. Everyone else got over it, said that he was dead and that she ought to give up.

But everyone was wrong. Her son was alive, and Chi-Chi was going to find him then bring him home.

When Cell was finally defeated and the news of Goku's death reached her, she was devastated. It was only the realization that her husband would be wished back that kept her from giving up. Even after so many years, she still couldn't get over her son's death - and if she lost her husband too… There would be nothing left to live for.

Chi-Chi was walking through Capsule Corps, trying to get away from her depressing thoughts, and was about to round the corner when she heard something that stopped her in her tracks. She could tell right away that it wasn't intended for her ears. Ever since her son's 'death', everyone was cautious when it came to dealing with her emotions. Even now, after the fight with Cell, no one had told Chi-Chi the whole story. Sometimes she did prefer not to know - but this wasn't one of those times.

"Who was it?" Bulma, who was discussing the events of the Cell Games with the other Z fighters, couldn't keep the fearful curiosity out of her voice.

"I really don't know, Bulma." Krillin replied with an apologetic shrug, scratching the top of his head. "We were a bit far away, but he looked a little like a younger Goku. His hair was shorter, but it was just as spiky - and he had a fury tail exactly like Goku's!"

"Maybe it's Gohan!" Bulma cried, immediately coming up with an explanation.

"Woman, you know that Kakarot's brat, whatever he looks like, is dead." Vegeta, though he'd joined the group after Gohan 'died', knew the story of Goku's missing son. "It couldn't be him!"

"But, it has to be. Who else but a Saiya-jin, could have a tail like that - and don't call me WOMAN! I have a name, you know!"

"No matter how scary it is, I have to agree with Vegeta on this one. Even if the boy looks like Gohan ought to, and is around Gohan's age, it can't be him!" Krillin looked pained. "We don't know anything about him. For all we know he came here to take over the planet or something! And if he did, by the way, we won't stand a chance. I would hate to fight that boy - he's strong, and he fights with some kind of daggers and …"

"Claws." Piccolo interrupted. "It's him." And with that statement he turned away, leaving everybody gawking his back.

"Saiya-jins don't have claws!"

"It can't be him."

"Did you feel the size of his ki??? Man, I hope he's on our side..."

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