Chapter 9

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"Capsule Corporation." Demon read to the sleeping woman in his arms. "All deliveries are done through security" The boy snorted. He would drop off his 'delivery' wherever he pleased.

Trying not to wake the woman in his arms, Demon walked through the gates. Considering that they were closed at the time he really walked through them, leaving them hanging broken in his wake. Ignoring the screaming humans who were rushing around him, Demon put up a shield and walked straight for the source of the high kis. While he was flying here, the kis had separated as some of the warriors left the building. Demon suppressed a smirk - not a wise move, leaving this place unprotected without knowing who he was. If he was a threat, which he momentarily wasn't, this building would be blown apart in an instant. Then again, he mused, it didn't really matter where they went - if he wanted the planet destroyed, it would've been in ruins a long time ago.

Demon continued walking. Humans continued shouting. It was a wonder that the female in his arms didn't wake up from all the noise they were making. Demon blithely continued on his way, ignoring any obstacles that dared to bar his path - people, walls, doors - anything that lay in his path was shoved aside.

If his hands hadn't been full and if he hadn't been so worried about accidentally blowing up the planet, Demon might've shut the screaming humans up - permanently. His rather sensitive ears hurt. However, his hands were full, and he was worried about accidentally destroying the planet, so he was forced to ignore them-for now. If they continued screaming when he left…

After a while everyone quieted down - they probably got orders from their superiors, or possibly just gotten bored with screaming. Demon didn't care. The kis weren't moving and Demon was getting closer. His sensitive hearing could already pick out the sound of screeching, and his keen sense of smell, which he tried hard to suppress, confirmed their location.

"Shut the fuck up, woman!" an irritated male voice was shouting.

"But Vegeta-a!" cried a shrill female voice.

"No, woman. You leave! NOW!" Vegeta, the male, sounded more than a bit irritated. Demon could understand the man's distress, though: he was probably just trying to protect his mate.

Without wasting any time trying to eavesdrop, Demon walked into the room that was generating all the commotion. It was a big room with a table, chairs, and a couch. The walls of the room were covered in bookshelves and there were also a refrigerator and a bed.

Four people were in the room, two of which Demon recognized immediately - he'd seen them earlier that day during his assignment. They were the owners of the two highest kis on the planet. The other two humans present were significantly weaker. There were three males and one female, all busy arguing - probably about Demon - when he came in.

Demon removed his shield and slowly made his way to the table directly in front of the humans. For a moment, he let his senses wander. He could smell them, each distinctly different, all carrying the spicy scents of fear and anger. He could hear their hearts beating and the blood pumping through their veins…

The male he'd first heard wasn't human. He looked like any other humanoid, except for his power level and the strange spiky hair, but the smell betrayed him. The scents on this man were complex, subtle, strong, and they didn't quite blend into the aromas of this planet. He was definitely an alien. Demon dismissed this as an insignificant detail, however - he could ponder on it later, after he got rid of the female in his arms.

The woman was short with blue hair and blue eyes. She had the weakest ki in the room while the male she was arguing with, Vegeta, was the strongest. He had the strongest ki on the planet. He had spiky black hair and dark eyes. He was the one that didn't smell human. The tall, scarred male was standing beside the shortest fully grown human Demon had ever seen.

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