10 : 'Friends'

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Chapter 10


He was outside, honking his truck horn for the past ten minutes..Okay, fifteen minutes. I was late. Making the last of the sandwiches while shouting on top of my voice, "Two more minutes..", I wrapped all that hastily inside a thin foil and dashed to the door. I ran downstairs, opened the main door and saw his truck parked just outside my house. He was glaring at me. I smiled guiltily and just as I was about to lock the door, I remembered that I didn't bring the most important thing with me.

"Sorry, wait, I'll be right back.." I ran inside again and brought back the project papers with me.

"Hey, Good morning.." I smiled, opening the truck door. After I was fully sure I had everything I needed to go to school, I sat inside.

"Twenty minutes late.." He grunted, starting the engine.

"Yeah, sorry. I was busy. I didn't even have time to have my breakfast" I said when I was comfortably seated inside his truck.

He didn't reply, as usual.

"Did you eat anything?" I said while taking a bite from one of the sandwiches. Hunter was peeking through his glasses, but remained quiet.

"Here" I said offering him one when I saw how many longing glances he was giving the sandwich. Actually I had made one for him too.

"Um.. No, thanks.." He said looking ahead.

"Take it, Hunter" I said again, "I made it for you"

He looked at me like I said something really surprising. I ignored, taking another bite from my sandwich.

"I am driving.." Hunter said.

"So?" I asked as if he couldn't eat it with his own hands while driving.

"Bring it here.." Hunter said moving his head a little bit to my side and opening his mouth as if I was going to feed him, "Hurry up, Ryder.."

I sighed, shifting to his side and held up the sandwich parallel to his mouth so he could take a bite from it. He looked at me, took a bite from it and while munching gave me a sly smirk.

"Idiot!" I yelled realizing his intentions. "Eat it yourself. I have work to do" I handed him the sandwich which he very gladly accepted while laughing at me. Of course, he tricked me again. Spending time with Hunter for the past month had taught me that I should be always alert for his stupid yet subtle pranks.

"Where's your bag? We have to arrange the project papers before submission" I said to myself while taking his bag and pulling out the papers.

Friends Or More? (IKMP Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now