19 : 'Miserable'

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"Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted"- Leonardo Dicaprio
OMG!! Leo won! Yes!

I give you this chapter just because I am too happy :D

On another note, 'pumpkinyara' has made a fan page in facebook, named- IKMP Series. So, guys you can like and share your thoughts there. Get to know each other, discus about books or even about #Cella.
I am just touched that someone did this for my books. Thank you :*

Chapter 19 

(Monday Continued..Lunch break..)

"You stole something, princess?"

I jumped up when I heard the voice so close to me. It wasn't because someone talked to me, but because I thought nobody would find me in here. Our High School had a big football field with small wooden bleachers at one side. The space under those bleachers could fit someone of my size and thus hide me from anyone passing by. I was on the other hand perfectly able to see everyone else- The boys practicing for their upcoming matches, cheerleaders training at the other side; some were even sitting on the bleachers and gossiping-

"Did you see the new girl?" One girl asked the other.

"Who?" Second girl asked back.

"The one who's always with Kyle Hunter!" – First girl.

"Yes. Who wouldn't?! Everyone's talking about them" -Second girl.

"I heard that she's his girlfriend" –First girl.

"No way! But I thought something was going on between him and Amanda Ryder? I mean-" –Second girl.

"Yeah. They were like always together and I even heard- "

How they finished that sentence, I never bothered to know. I put on my earplugs after that and the whole world was finally quiet. Until..

Until this jerk nudged me and made me jump in horror,

"You stole something, princess?"

"What?" I asked, taking off my ear-plugs and turning to look at him.

He crouched uncomfortably to stoop down and sit beside me. Giving me his cocky signature smirk, he spoke, "You're hiding here, so I thought you might have stolen something?"

I looked away from him. Putting my ear-plugs back in its previous place, I concentrated on looking at random far-off places. I just wanted to get over with this day and proceed to the next day. Nine and half months until High School gets over!

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