Chapter 4

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Maya in MM 😍😍

" Who am I gonna be when it's all over "
- Kyler Crystal Waters

* Keyana *

" Chew with your mouth closed Iyana " Maya said to her 7 year old daughter . She named her after me and sometimes we call her Yana too .

" You too Bj " I said to him shaking my head .

" Done forgot they damn manners " Maya laughed .

" Aye Keyana " Bryston said seriously .

" Yes " I said .

He nodded his head towards the TV . I looked towards it and read the headline " R&B SINGER AND RAPPER CHRIS BROWN WAS SHOT LEAVING A CONCERT IN MIAMI FLORIDA . REPORTERS SAY THAT HE WAS RUSHED TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM . HIS CURRENT STATE HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED AND IS CONFIDENTIAL AS OF RIGHT NOW " I listened to the lady then looked back down at my plate .

It was silent and I feel like they were all staring at me . I looked up and they were " What ? " I said shoving steak in my mouth .

" You not gonna go see him ? " Bryston asked the question they were all wondering .

" I could care less if that man was dead " I shrugged .

" Keyana " Maya said in disbelief . I looked around the table and they all looked shocked .

I set my fork down " Cmon y'all don't act brand new . Y'all know I've hated that man for years . I don't give a fuck about him . Why ain't y'all mad at him ? It's been 10 whole years and you mean to tell me there was no way he could find me or contact me or even Kyler " I rolled my eyes .

If my dad really wanted to reach out to me , he would've done it by now . Shit , we might've been close if he'd done it already . Because when we first moved away , it was my mom that I hated for separating us and missed my dad but after the first couple years , came maturity and wisdom and I realized just how easy it could be for him to reach out which he has not done . I refuse to make the first move . I promise I do .

The dinner had became awkward and finally the dinner was over . I undressed in my bedroom to my underwear and bra and laid in my bed .

" You alright babe ? " Bryston asked .

" Yeah , I'l be good . Just need some sleep " I said fluffing my pillows .

* Kyler *

I looked in the mirror at my gray hairs . I was getting so old so quick .

" Don't even think about that . You still look younger than me . And I'm a year younger than you " Kyla said walking in .

I smiled and grabbed my brush . " Come on lil sis " I said as she followed me to the bedroom .

She laid across my lap while I brushed her thick long brown hair .

" Speaking of old , when I was little , I remember I used to cry my eyes out thinking about mom dying of age and leaving me here . My own hypothetical thoughts used to scare me " She giggled .

" You know what's funny ? When I was little too , I used to cry thinking about dying myself . Where do I go ? What do I see ? What do I feel ? I used to imagine not being able to live anymore and not being able to walk this earth anymore . Its like , who am I gonna be when it's all over . I used to cry myself to sleep just thinking about it " I giggled .

" It's still scary to think about to be honest " Kyla said .

" Yeah I know . It is " I sighed and brushed her hair .

" You think Keyana wants to meet Chris again ? " Kyla asked

" Yeah . She won't admit it . And she thinks I'm dumb . I know she hates him . I can just tell . She tries to make an effort to make me believe that she still loves him but she doesn't "

" You know he just got shot ? He's in a hospital near us right now "

" Yeah I know . Sometimes it scares me how easily we can bump into each other . I haven't seen that man in person for almost 12 years . I'm 50 years old Kyla . I was just 17 in high school last week . I'm 50 fucking years old " I giggled .

Our deep conversation was cut off when my phone started ringing . I answered it and it was my daughter breathing heavily into the phone .

" Oh my gosh Keyana . Is everything okay ? " I said as I heard her crying

" No ! Shaun had an allergic reaction and we're taking him to the hospital right now " She panicked .

" Which one ? " I asked .

" St. Johnson's " She said .

" Alright . Just calm down . Everything will be okay . Me and Kyla will meet you there " I said getting up .

" Okay . Please hurry ! " She said then hung up .

" What happened ? " Kyla asked standing up too .

" Shaun had an allergic reaction to something " I said pulling on some jeans .

Kyla slipped on some of my sweats .

" Kade and Khady put on some clothes and let's go " I yelled .

I heard no response so Kyla followed me upstairs . " You get Kade and I'll get Khady " I said heading towards her mom .

" Mommy , can't you see I'm sleeping " Khady said in a tired voice .

" No attitude today Khady . Grab your coat and let's go " I said getting her out of bed and grabbing her shoes .

Once we got the kids ready and situated , we got in the car and I drove to the hospital .

" Wake up you guys we're here " I said waking the kids up .

We rushed in the hospital and saw Keyana , Bryston , Jordan , and Tasia in the waiting room .

Keyana jumped up and ran into my arms " Mom I'm so scared " She cried and I hugged her tightly .

Bryston stood up and rubbed her back .

" What'd they say ? " I asked Bryston since Keyana's mouth was full of tears and sobs .

" They said that his throat was swelling up and was closing quickly . They're working on him right now " He explained .

" Alright " I said sitting Yana down . " I'm gonna go get some water " I said going to the water jug .

As I walked past a hallway , a female doctor was eyeing me and watching me . I had no clue who she was and she didn't look familiar at all .

It had been 30 minutes and there was still no news on Shaun and no doctors had came out to talk to us .

" I'll be back . I'm gonna use the restroom " I whispered to Kyla .

I stood up and walked past that same doctor and that same hallway but this time she stopped me .

" Excuse me mam " She said walking up to me .

" Do I know you ? " I asked narrowing my eyes .

" No you don't . But I know you "

" Okay , what can I help you with ? " I asked the strange lady .

" You're Kyler Brown aren't you ? " She asked .

" Waters actually but yes I am her " I corrected . These people will never get my name right .

" There's someone here that I think you should see . Follow me " She said and began to walk down the hallway .

I hesitantly followed her and kept my space behind her . Who could possibly want to see me in a hospital ?


Sorry I've been neglecting this book . School is very tough on me and I'm trying my best . I've slowly been typing this chapter but I finally completed it . Please enjoy and leave feedback .

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