Chapter 12

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* Honey *

Ever since our child died , Chris tries his best to remain in cordial contact . Even though we don't want to be together , we still are friends because there was no denying that what we had was real . We truly did love each other . But I think the level of bizarreness the situation was on overtook that love .

I pretty much live a lonely life . Maya doesn't really speak to me even though we kinda made up . Sometimes I'll reach out to her but get a dry nonchalant response . Mia , my oldest daughter , me and her have always been cool together but because she's been traveling the world with someone , she doesn't have much time to see me .

Cairo , my son , I haven't heard from him in years . I don't even know if he's alive .

My phone started ringing so I quickly answered it not really caring who it was .

" Hello " I said .

" Hey mom . Look outside ! " She said and hung up .

I smiled and looked out the front door window . I saw her standing in my driveway with all her luggage . I opened the door and ran out to give her a hug .

" Oh my gosh ! I though you were in Dubai with Simone " I said pulling away .

" I was but we decided to cut the trip short . But how have you been ? " She said following me into the house . I gotta remember to ask her about that later .

" You know your mom . Just relaxing " I said and we sat down on the couch and talked for hours and hours .

* Kyler *

" Isn't it time you go back home ? Why are you even still here ? " I asked Chris as he lounged on my couch .

" I thought we friends " He said looking fake hurt .

" We are but you're Chris Brown . Don't you have something to do in Virginia ? " I asked .

" Nope . Everything I got going on runs on my time " He shrugged popping a chip in his mouth .

" Hey Daddy " Khady said plopping down on his lap .

" Wassup baby girl " He said bouncing his leg up and down making her flop and giggle .

I smiled at the sight " Where's your brother ? " I asked her .

" In his room playing games " She responded .

" As usual " I sighed going upstairs . He should really spend time away from his game .

When I opened the door , I froze . And so did he . On his laptop was a man penetrating a woman .

I sped over to him and snatched his laptop out of his lap . Luckily , he wasn't touching himself but this is still crazy .

" Kade Khristian Brown , where the hell did you get this website from ?! " I yelled seeing PornHub at the top of his screen .

" Dad told me about it " He said throwing his hands up in surrender .

" Christopher !! Get your ass in here right now !! " I yelled .

" Am I in trouble ? " Kade asked .

" I don't know yet " I said tapping my foot .

" What's the problem ? " Chris asked panting from running up all the stairs .

" What the fuck is this ? " I said snatching him down to my level by his collar .

" Damn Ky this a new jacket " He said and I gave him the most evil glare and gestured to the screen .

" Tiny Asian takes big black cock . This is how you're teaching your son about sex . Giving him a porn website " I said raising my voice .

He chuckled " Yo , this shit isn't fucking funny . I will punch you in your eye right now " I said jerking him by his collar .

" Aye " He said removing my hand from the neck of his hoodie " Relax , it's just porn . He's in 7th grade , he was gonna find out about by one of his friends sooner or later " He shrugged .

I scowled at him and pushed him out the room " No internet and no tv for a week " I said to Kade before shutting his door and pushing Chris to my room and locking the door behind us .

" Have you lost your fucking mind ? " I tossed the computer on the bed .

" Kyler chill out . It's not that big of a deal . It's not like he had sex on the playground " He said collapsing on my bed .

" Don't you ever expose my kids to some bullshit like that again " I said trying to drag him out my bed but instead he purposely collapsed on top of me on the floor .

" Ow Chris ! You're heavy " I said groaning as he was smushing me .

" Damn , we haven't been in this positive in over 10 years " He said biting his lip .

" Chris we're in our 50's " I said trying to roll him off me .

" Okay and ? I bet I can make you cum in 2 minutes like old times " He said kissing my neck .

" Boy " I said dodging him .

" But naah , on some real shit " he said sitting up but still laying on me . " You the love of my life and I can't see myself with anybody but you " He pecked my lips and I smiled in the kiss .

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