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* Kyler *

I laid in my bed watching Judge Judy . He was in the room next to me . At night we weren't allowed to get up and leave . Or go anyway for that matter . We had to call the nurses to help us . But tonight I was ready . Tonight was my last night . I lost Honey to cancer last week . Although she had done me wrong when she got herself involved with chris intimately , I still loved her like a sister and it was good to know she was still watching over me . Today was the last day I would see my kids and my grandkids and my great grand kids . At 86 , I cherished every single one of my children and their children and their children . Today I got to see all of them . Today I got to hold them one last time . Today I got to kiss them one last time . Yesterday , me and him were taken on our last tour . Yesterday , we got to see our high school . We got to to reminisce . We got to see the house we lived in . We got to see everything we experienced again . For it would be the last time we would see it . And it would be nice to kiss everyone again . It would be nice to see my life through everything in Virginia again . But I was done . I left my mark . At 50 something , all my children let me know they loved me with all their heart today . Today my 52 year old daughter cried her heart out saying she didn't want me to leave but it's my time . I served my purpose . Iggy passed away just due to old age . All my friends did . And unfortunately , we were the only ones left from our time . Everyone was gone . One by one , they were lowered down into the ground . All we had were our kids .

I got up from my bed as best as I could . And I limped as quietly as I could . I snuck in his room and locked the door behind me . He smiled as I approached him in his bed . I stood there staring at how beautiful he is . At 88 , he was still so handsome . He scooted over and I laid down next to him . We snuggled together . For the next few hours , we just talked . We talked about how me met in high school . We talked about falling in love . We talked about having kids and getting married . Ever since we were put in this facility together , he'd constantly apologize for how he treated me and wished he could go back and change everything . I just smiled at his sweet heart . Despite everything , and I mean EVERYTHING . The tears , the depression , cheating , lying , emotional abuse , life roller coasters , I still adored this man . And he adored me .

" God you're so beautiful " Chris croaked as best as he could and rubbed the side of my face . I smiled and kissed his hand . Our fingers were so frail , our wedding rings couldn't fit anymore so we we wore them on a necklace . I intertwined my hand into his . Although we weren't legally married , our hearts were . Our hearts always found their way back to each other . Our hearts were always married . Our hearts were always attached . Words can't explain how much I loved him . I wanted to cry because we couldn't make anymore memories . I wanted to cry because I don't have the chance to come home from work and see him with the kids . I wanted to cry because we couldn't go on romantic dates . I wanted to cry because I couldn't even argue with him and make up with him right afterwards . I wanted to cry because we couldn't make beautiful kids together anymore . But i smiled anyway . I smiled because we had our chance to do that already . From when I hated him and his girlfriend Kae in high school to lying in this bed with him 70 years later , I wouldn't change a thing . I wouldn't change anything about this man . I wouldn't change anything about him . Everything we went through molded us into who we are now .

" You know you're the only woman I was ever in love with . You were the only one I cried over , begged for , prayed to god for , introduced to my mama , I wouldn't trade you for the world "

" You're my heart Christopher . You complete me and I thank you for being in my life . I thank you for making me happy . I thank you for loving me . The hate the love and the in between . I love you for everything . You are my everything for eternity . You're my whole life "

By this time we were so close to each other nothing else mattered . Not the crickets outside . Not the monitors surrounding us .

But we were ready .

He looked at me and I looked at him . " I love you my heart , my soul , my soulmate , my life . I love you Kyler Crystal Brown " He said then took his oxygen tube out of his nose .

" I love you my heart , my soul , my soulmate , my life . I love you Christopher Maurice Brown " I did the same .

We held hands with our rings in our other hand . We leaned over and kissed each other one last time . We shared our last words one last time . We shared a breath together one last time . I felt my life slipping away from my body as my eyes drifted off . And the last thing I remember seeing was looking down at our hands joined together and seeing Chryler tatted on both of our hands .

And even though my eyes were closed and life had left us . I felt our souls drifting off together , becoming one , and leaving our bodies but not leaving each other . Because our souls were gonna do what they do best ....

Love each other ..... Forever .

Forever : Book 5 ( Chris Brown )Where stories live. Discover now