Chapter 11

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* Maya *

" Why are we going out to a dinner in the middle of the day ? Where are the kids ? " I asked as we sat down in a booth .

" Would you stop worrying about everything ? Everything is taken care of . You just need to relax " He said sitting right next to me .

" So then who's that for ? " I asked noticing there was a clear plate , silverware , menu , and all that across of us .

What the fuck is this nigga planning ?

" Oh be quiet " He said pecking my lips .

" May I join you ? " I heard a woman say .

I looked up and it was none other than my fake ass mama .

" Brian move " I said calmly .

" Look all she wants to do is - "

" I don't give a fuck what she wants to do . Let me out this fucking booth " I snapped .

Honey still sat down and Brian wouldn't get up . " You need to calm down . It's been years and all she wants to do is talk . It's not that deep okay "

I rolled my eyes and sighed . " You look beautiful " She said to me .

I gave a fake smile . It was quiet . Dead quiet . Where the fuck is this waiter ? Cause I need a drink or 2 .
Oooooh Brian gonna get it when he get home .

" Are you gonna talk or just stare at me ? " I said getting frustrated .

" Well I just wanna start off by saying that I'm sorry . I know I've done some fucked up things in my past and I am very sorry for them . But I was us to move on from that and be back to where we were . But in order for that to happen , you have to communicate with me and tell me everything I did wrong " She explained .

" You fucked you're bestfriend's husband and got pregnant by him , and still had the nerve to be dealing with him after Kyler found out . I can't fuck with nobody that's fake like that , even if you are my mom "

" Maya I can't go back in time and change the things that I've done . Although I wish I could , I can't . All I can do now is work on making things better with you and Kyler and I'm honestly trying " She said . I stayed silent cause I had nothing else to say .

" Well do you accept her apology ? " Brian asked .

I took a deep breath " Yes , but it's gonna take a while for me to warm back up with you " I said honestly .

" And hopefully I can finally have a relationship with my grandkids now " She smiled .

After the slightly awkward dinner , I got in the car with Brian but I was still mad at him so I called up my bitch Keyana to fill her in and be petty .

" Hello " She answered .

" Biiiiiiiiiiitch tellllll me why my husband had me alllll the way fucked up tonight " I said into the phone all extra .

I heard Brian smack his teeth .

" Spill bitch " She laughed .

" So we pull up to this nice ass restaurant and he bein all romantic and shit and I'm thinking aweeee shit he boutta get the bombest pussy of his life tonight . But in walks my fuckin mother and sits across from me "

" Yo moms ? As in your fake ass mama ? " She asked .

" Yesssss bitch . This nigga tried to play me . He set me up and shit . But guess who goin to sleep wit blue balls and an attitude ? Not I "

" I'm fucking weak yo " She said laughing . " But how'd it go with Honey ? What happened ? "

" She's apologized and I forgave her . Gon take us a minute to get back to where we were . But you get the point "

* Mia *

" For Christ sakes , you're trying to get us arrested " I yelled pacing in our temporary hotel room in Dubai .

" It was a slip up . It won't happen again . Just calm down " Simone said back to me .

" It won't happen again ? Simone you run an international drug cartel . You do this for a living "

" We have been to 4 different countries within the same week and you're complaining . We're living the life right now and we're free people . You knew exactly what you were getting into before we got serious so I don't even wanna hear that shit " She said as I shook my head .

" Fuck this and fuck you " I said getting all the little stuff I left around the room and shoving it into my suitcase .

" So you're leaving ? Just like that ? " She chuckled .

" Go fuck yourself " I said grabbing my passport and leaving , slamming the door on my way out .


I haven't updated in months and I'm sorry but enjoy .

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