Chapter 9

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* Kyler *

Ever since Keyana snapped on me that one day , I've been kinda distant . I just want to work on becoming a better me . And focus on getting my priorities straight .

" Omg can you sign this ? " Someone asked while I was at the mailbox .

I looked over and saw a fan holding the Chryler Album CD .

" Umm , I didn't make that album " I said .

" I know . But everybody knows it's about you " She said smiling .

I reluctantly signed the case and she thanked me and ran off .

" I always wondered why you stopped music " An all too familiar voice said .

" I hope you didn't come here looking to start shit " I said narrowing my eyes at him .

" Naah . Just came to talk "

" Who sent you ? " I crossed my arms .

" The boys "

I rolled my eyes and moved around him to start walking back to my house .

" Wait "

" What "

" Look , they said Keyana told them that you were acting strange and distant . I just wanted to see what's up " He said following me .

" Nothing's up . I'm chilling " I said walking up my steps to my front door .

" I'm not stupid Ky " He said .

" Oh really ? " I laughed setting the mail on the counter .

He gave me a straight face " Look despite all that we've been through . I do genuinely care for you " He said .

" I don't give a fuck . Lock the door on your way out " I said tying my hair up and walking into my bedroom but he just followed me .

" Chris , what do you want ? Why do you keep following me " I groaned . He was becoming annoying .

" I want to be friends at least . C'mon please " He pleaded .

I rolled my eyes " Why ? Why does being friends matter to you so much now all of a sudden ? " I asked .

" Because I miss you . And believe it or not . I miss you as my wife but I'm not asking for a second chance because I already know the answer " He explained .

" Well I'm glad you know " I chuckled .

" Well ..... " He said waiting for my answer .

" Acquaintances . " To be honest , I only budged so he would leave me alone and stop being so annoying .

" Yay " He squealed picking me up .

" Ew . Stop touching me " I said getting out of his arms .

He followed me into the shower and I just stared at him waiting for him to leave .

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