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"Dad?" a small voice said as Luke was slowly brought back to consciousness. Luke slowly opened his eyes, feeling his eyelids were like sandpapers against his eyeballs, before looking up at Leon.

His son was looking down at him with confused eyes, while his small hands were placed over Luke's chest.

Luke had barely slept anything last night. He had just laid on the couch with a lump in his throat and tears falling down his cheeks. If he focused really hard, he could hear Ashton crying from their bedroom, and it pained Luke so much.

Luke knew it was his fault and he knew he probably deserved to be reminded of it, but there was a limit to how much his mind and body could take. He was soon past that limit.

"Dad?" Leon asked again, this time shaking his father lightly. Luke blinked and focused his gaze on Leon before reaching out and pulled the small boy in his arms.

"I'm sorry" Luke breathed out as he held his son close to his chest.

"It's okay, you were only sleeping" Leon answered, not knowing his father was apologizing for a whole other thing, and Luke had to bite his lip harshly to not start sobbing again.

"I love you so much and I never wanted to hurt you" Luke whispered as he tightened his hold on Leon.

"But I'm not hurt, dad" Leon spoke against Luke's chest before pulling away to smile up at his father.

"I know" Luke breathed out, both in relief and regret, before bringing Leon closer again.

"Dad!" another voice called, making Luke glance up and smile as Peach ran up to him. He held Leon under one arm while wrapping the other one around Peach, keeping both his kids close to himself.

"I've missed you guys so much" Luke murmured and kissed the top of their heads.

"We have missed you too," Peach said and lifted her chin to look up at Luke, "Dad missed you too, he talked about you all the time"

As Peach giggled and hugged him back again, Luke's face dropped at what she had told him. His heart stung and his head hurt. His body was breaking down bit after bit each second that passed by, and soon he couldn't take it.

He recognized the feeling of his body shutting down. He had promised himself to never let this happen to him again, but now when it did he felt like he couldn't stop it.

"Dad, guess what?" Leon asked soon after and looked up at Luke with a wide grin.

"What?" Luke asked in a hoarse voice, his dry throat hurting when he tried to pretend he was fine.

"I cooked so much food while you were away and I taught dad how to make cupcakes!" Leon said as his face was gleaming in pride and happiness.

"That's amazing," Luke whispered and ran a hand through Leon's light brunette hair, "I'm proud of you, bud"

"Thank you" Leon said and smiled big as he patted Luke's cheek and giggled. "I'm gonna be just as good as you, dad"

"Yeah," Luke mumbled and cried himself a river deep down in his mind, "You'll grow up to be much better than I am-"

"Peach, Leon. We're leaving"

fatherhood // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now