Elsword X Aisha (pt.2)

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~Walking to Aisha's home~

Elsword's P.O.V :
I walk towards Aisha's house and stand in front of her door. Thinking whether I should go in or not. After "the moment " I kinda have the feeling that I shouldn't go in. Be brave Elsword! I thought through everything. I just realized that, I might have fallen in love with Aisha. Ugh... I'm still going in. I knock on the door, and hear footsteps coming closer. I couldn't stop thinking about her. There's no way I can let her ignore me. The door creaks open and I see her. Aisha... IN HER PYJAMAS! I kinda blush because her pyjamas were kinda cute.

Aisha's P.O.V :
Ehhh.... it's Elsword. "H-h-hello Elsword." Why is Elsword at my front door? Ugh... most importantly, why is he blushing? "So... did you want something?" "I-I... ummm... w-want t-to s-s-stay a-at y-your house t-tonight." Elsword mumbled. My mouth was shut... no response came out. I turn around and felt a chill... Elsword ran into my house... well, technically Rena's house. I walk down the hall and see Elsword sleeping in my bed. I didn't want any more disturbing-ness stuff so I took a pillow, a blanket, and slept on the floor beside my bed.

Elsword's P.O.V :
I woke up at 1am in the morning and found Aisha sleeping on the floor. I pick her up and put her on the bed, right beside me. We fell asleep. Soon, I woke up again and found my arm around Aisha. I wanted to move but I had no energy. I suddenly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~6am in the morning~

Aisha's P.O.V :
I turned around and opened my eyes... wwwaaahhhhhhh. I saw him right there... I saw Elsword sleeping 10cm away from me. Soo close... I woke up and got up without disturbing him and changed. I quietly walk out the door and started cooking breakfast. Hmmm... what should I cook? I looked in the fridge and grabbed bacon, eggs, and ham.

Rena's P.O.V :
I wake up and walked down to the kitchen. I saw Aisha cooking. I yawn. "Morning Aisha!" Aisha turned around and said "Morning Rena-chan!". I went to help Aisha cook breakfast. "Hmmm... why are there three plates?" "Ummm.... cuz Elsword is eating breakfast with us... can u wake him up? He's in my room." "S-sure!". Elsword? In my house... I never knew... I wake him up and we ate together.

Elsword'P.O.V :
I asked Aisha to come with me after breakfast. "Aisha... I-I love you!" I said it! I can see Aisha's blushing. "Will you go out with me?" I said it! Finally, I expressed my feelings. "I-I liked you f-f-from the s-s-start too E-Elsword." I can tell she wanted to tell me a long time ago too. We both walked down to the fountain. Aisha seemed kinda nervous or something. Aisha was blushing like crazy. As we sat together near the fountain, we had the same feeling at the moment and we leaned closer and closer and closer to each other until we were really close and we kissed. I can't believe I actually ended up with my crush. I'll protect her from everything and I'll always be there... right by her side. "I'll stay with you forever!"

~half a year later~

Aisha and I have been dating for half a year. During this half year, we actuallt got closer to each other. Less fights, and we're actually CLOSE for OOOOOONNNNCCEE! Happiest half a year of my life!

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