Chung X Ara .vs. Chung X Eve (pt.2)

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~after Chung and Ara woken up from that day~

Chung's P.O.V : I hate Eve very much now. I move my muscle and sit up and hit someone's head. That hurt, kind of. I opened my eyes and saw Ara sitting on my legs. 

Ara's P.O.V : "Morning Chung!" I put on my usual face and say "I'm sorry for yesterday. I ended up making you get hurt. All because of me." And I started crying. He leaned towards me and says "I'll do anything for you. Because I love you most in the world, you're more precious than anything I've ever owned. I'd even throw away everything I take possession of just to have you by my side forever and ever." I blushed. "I love you, Ara." "I love you too Chung." As we sat together for the next five minutes, I felt something on my skin. I looked and saw Chung's hand on my arms. "C-Chung, don't you think we're too close?" He then realized his hands moved by themselves. "Sorry!" He moved back and now there was space. "Well, do you want to go out for some fresh air?" He nodded his head so we both put on our armor and took our weapons just incase. 

~in Eve's white, messy room full of robots~

Eve's P.O.V : I walk around my room thinking about that night I meant to hit Ara with that slap and not my beloved Chung. I ran towards his room and burst open the door when I saw nothing inside but an open window. 

Chung's P.O.V : Being with Ara showed me many things since the start. We walked into the forest to explore what was hidden in there. She showed me many types of animals, plants, and places I'd never know about without her. She's sure the most precious thing on this planet. On my planet alone with me forever. Thank you. As we continue to explore, it became lunch soon. I suggested not to go to the palace to eat. So she took my hand and we ran towards her house. It was very neat and it already smelled like food before we ever came home. 

Ara's P.O.V : "Elesis! Elsword! Rena! Raven! Add! Aisha! I'm home!" I pulled Chung's hand in the kitchen and saw Elesis sitting on the couch watching television and Rena cooking lunch. We all sat at the table and ate Rena's great cooking. "It's really good!" Chung said. Elesis, Elsword, Rena, Raven, Add, and Aisha all looked at us. "Who's that?" They all asked. "This is Chung, my... my... my boyfriend." I say as I blushed. Chung blushed as well. Elesis, Elsword, Rena, Raven, Add, and Aisha all goes like "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!" Rena then says "It's natural. It's not like you're the only one that has one. At least you have one!" Chung asked for friendship requests. Well, he never had any friends except for me. Well, at least he has me now. Well, he'll get to know everyone now! Rena says "Well, Raven and I are a couple already. Right, Raven?" Raven then pulls Rena's head and kisses her on the lips. Chung blushes and looks at me a bit like if he wants to kiss me as well. "And Elsword likes Aisha. And Add likes Elesis. That practically includes everyone."

~3 years later after Chung got to know everyone better, we started to live together~

Chung's P.O.V : I woke up early today to wake up Ara so I could show her something in return for all her love and kindness towards me. I showed her around the nicest river I've ever seen in my life. "Ara, what would the others say if I asked them out for a picnic with everyone?" "I'm pretty sure they'll all like to come!" After we walked back to the house, I asked everyone one about the picnic, it'll be set tomorrow at lunch where the sakura trees grow during this season. 

||| Sorry if this chapter is really short! I made a part 3 though! Sorry! |||

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