Chapter 6 ~ Raven X Rena .vs. Elsword X Rena

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Chapter 6 is dedicated to AliceGad! Thanks for the ships!

Rena's POV :
I have loved Elsword, Red Knight's leader, for a while now. He's nice and caring and he might be stubborn sometimes but I guess that makes him cute. Then a week ago, Raven brought me on a surprising date and we did many fun things together. We played games and we also went to the beach to play. I also had a feeling that Elsword was stalking me during the night and I was correct. While playing in the arcade, I saw Elsword's reflection on the glass and I had a feeling Raven knew he was there too. But I didn't want to start a fight so I didn't mention him once. I also hate how he likes to stalk people, it gives me the creeps. But that's my Elsword.

Raven's POV :
While playing in the arcade, I saw Rena looking at the glass then I saw El boy's reflection. He might be our party leader but that doesn't mean I'll give him my Rena. Get away from my precious Rena, YOU EL BOY!! I felt my fist tighten and I put it down near my side and flames grew around me. I wanted to destroy El boy for stalking Rena. You don't deserve Rena. Rena's too good for you and so am I. Go leave the party already.

Elsword's POV :
I couldn't stand watching Rena and that seaweed-headed boy. I wanted to take my sword and slice his face. I didn't know what to do. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I had a feeling of who it was. I turned around and sighed. "What do you want now Aisha?" She gave me a cute face which looked horrifying. "Stop! Just stop!" She stopped and laughed. "Elsword~" She pulled my arm and hugged it. "Elsword~ Come play with me~ Don't mind Rena and Raven~" She pissed me off. I know she had a crush on me but like, she knows I like Rena. I sighed and looked at Rena. I really wondered if she loved me.

"Aisha, quit squeezing my arm so tight! I'm getting pissed!" She smiles and winks at me. I blush, she kind of looks cute but I couldn't admit it. "Elsword~ Let's go play now~" She pulled me and dragged me to the park. She was having fun and I just sat on the swings thinking about Rena and Raven. Raven is cool and good like he's perfect and... tall. Rena is perfect in every way and she's also tall. Which means it would make sense if they were together. On the other hand, I'm short, stubborn and useless. I'm the total opposite of Raven. No wonder she must like him. Then I'm going to have to change myself!

Tap tap, I heard. I looked up and saw Rena and Raven walking down the road together. They were walking back to the guild base. "Elsword~ Let's go home together~" I honestly just wanted to stalk Rena more but I guess, I should go home as well. "Fine." I sigh and Aisha starts to cling onto me again.

Elsword: IllicitUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum