Chung X Ara .vs. Chung X Eve (pt.3)

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||| Eve comes and destroyed they're love [It's just a spoiler] |||

Ara's P.O.V : I walk towards the picnic place and set it up early with Chung before anyone arrives. We set up the food and everything.

~ after the picnic when everything was being cleaned up by Ara because Chung had to go pick up things from Ara's house~

I walked and saw her standing there. Eve. Her eyes were black and deadly like if she's gonna kill me. I prepare my spear and Chung's cannon he left for me just incase I needed it. She kinda cast some sort of weird code spell on me. A very powerful one Chung told me about. It wipes your memory. And that's what happened. I blanked out and forgot about everything. Including Chung, my friends, my family, and how Eve has hurt me so much. Though, I do remember myself.

[Flashback at Eve's house that morning]

Eve ~ I can't believe she took my Chung away.

Servants ~ "Do you need something Miss Eve?" I know she isn't even his mistress though.

Eve ~ "No. But, do prepare my weapons. I'm going to do something different for the first time that is for Chung and I."

[Flashback at Eve's house that morning over]

Chung's P.O.V : I ran to the spot where we had the picnic to tell Ara I found where her hair pin was until I saw Eve running away and Ara lying on the floor. "Ara!" She opened her eyes and jumped off. "W-Who are you? Stay away." I knew exactly what happened. Eve's nemesis code brainwash. "ARA!" I screamed at her. "Do I know you? I'm sorry but you're not familiar to me at all." I cried a bit and put her hair pin on her head. I remembered something quickly that after 3 days if she doesn't remember everything again, she'll die. No! Don't go. I got to find out how to help her recover her memories and quick. The day was about to be over so that would be 1 day already pasted. No time to waste now. Though, I also know another way. If I destroy her white nasods, that she always carries along with her, I can destroy the curse it cursed on Ara. It'll be for the best. I'm going for that plan.

~Eve at her house talking about the revenge mission she just did to get Chung back~

Eve's P.O.V : I finally took revenge on her. Now... should I do the same to Chung? No, he's too precious. If he wants to return her memories, I'll tell him that he needs to marry me and to give up on Ara. Then, I'll have everything back again. Of course, I'd never return her memories anyways. Who needs her? Chung? No. Soon, he'll only be begging to me to give the memories back. I've fully taken control of Chung. I'll then become Mistress Eve. Heir to the queen's thrown. King Chung and his Nasods Queen Eve! Sounds more likes it now that I've taken most control of their love. "Yes!" Now there will be no more happiness for Ara. All forgotten memories. She'll be lost forever!

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