Prayers on Peace

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Rii had spoken, and I had wasted no time applying that demand to my legs as I fled the scene.

My legs carried me as fast as they could. I could hear the faint yells of both Rii and the scouts as they fought with each other and alas I did not look back to see if she was okay. I knew Rii and I knew she would get out of this; even if it wasn't immediately, even if she was sacrificing herself for me she would make it out and she would come back.

Oh please just let them all be focused on her so I can get this information back.

I ducked under a tree and around a bush, entering the forest which I called home. It would not be long now just another 10 minutes run and I would be home, I would be safe from them. I was going to be able to give this knowledge to Malas, leader of the city.

Go down. Now Left, another left. Straight. Turn right. Straight. Up. Slight right. Over the hill. There it was.

A beautiful city it was, built around and entwined with the trees. One look at it and it looked almost as if it was out of a storybook - but it wasn't because, like most other cities, it has its flaws. We have our wealthy and our poor although we worked on it and we weren't as flawed as most mortal cities. That's what made us a little bit different, I suppose.

I walked into the city, exchanging greetings with other members of our society as I passed through.

"Where is Rii?"

"She is..."

"Well Spera, where is she?"

"She stayed behind for more recon, but she will be here. She told me so." Was my reply, at least that's what I hoped it would turn out.

And they would dismiss me, glad I was safe and in the same breath curse Rii for going rogue... again. I heard them, prayed they would open their eyes and look past her rashness. She was one of our best.

I continued through the city, listening to the greetings, making my way to the Daimon palace, where our Earl resided. Pushing the doors open, I had been met yet again with high regard and berated with questions on Rii's whereabouts. I dismissed them in the same manner as before.

Finally reaching the end of the hall, I kneeled before the throne of Malas, earl of the city. Allowing me to rise, he requested the results of my recon mission.

"My earl, the recon mission was successful. The intel I have gathered is quite interesting."

"Proceed Spera, and I will see how pivotal your information turns out to be," Malas replied.

"Earl Malas I have discovered the so-called 'scouts' of Hope Academy have some plot to discover our innate abilities. The how to their motive; however, remains unclear. This only gives further reason to send more guards out on patrols. It is better that we find stray ones than that excuse of a school."

"Thank you, Spera, this information is... most useful. But I must ask, where is Rii? I trust she has information of her own."

"Yes, well. Rii stayed behind to see if she could collect more information and possibly find out their tactics." I responded, slightly shaken.

"Very well Spera. Tell Rii when you see her that I wish to hear her reports." Malas said, nodding his head, dismissing me.

I gratefully left the palace and walked to my room, my one place if privacy. Usually, I didn't like being in here, but as long as Rii was on the line, I couldn't face the public. I was one of the youngest agents, constantly under scrutiny.

Please be okay, Rii.

I laid on my side on the bed, closing my eyes for rest. Some time later, maybe one hour maybe three, someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I replied, drowsy.

"Doesn't matter, Malas requests your presence." A voice came through the other side. It got my attention and I stood up answering the door.

But the informant was gone.

Now, what does he want with me! Well, better get over there...

"...furthermore, these ones, they were practically brainwashed. Defended the guard instead of me."

"Thank you Rii. Spera should be here momentarily to discuss a course of action."

"Hello... Rii! You're safe!" I exclaimed upon seeing my best friend and companion.

"Yes, no thanks to any of the captive winged. Almost started another fight, but I learned something...interesting about them."

"What's that Rii?"

"They are all - at least the three I saw - old enough to have a Daimon Blessing; yet none of them have one, neither can they fly." Rii explained to me and Malas.

"Why is this so, Rii?" Malas inquired.

"I have no idea, my Lord. They do not delve far into the events of the school; however, I did hear one mention something about a class seminar of some kind. Could mean nothing, could mean everything." Rii offered her last bit of knowledge.

Malas sighed in frustration. I could tell he was thinking of some way to exploit the abomination, but I could not read minds and so I tried to put myself in the earl's shoes.

It must be hard, having to protect a whole city of people while practically on the brink of war.

After a while, he spoke again, the stress and frustration evident in his voice. "We shall let this matter rest, for now, a solution will be presented soon. I fear, though, that this solution will be the action that catalysts us to war. You both are dismissed."

Both Rii and I bowed respectfully before turning and leaving the palace, confusion etched on my face, while the look of worry was worn on hers.

This was a serious matter now, that much Rii knew, what she didn't know - what neither of them knew - was Spera's importance in it. Simultaneous thoughts ran through their minds;

Please be safe -



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