Seeking and Spying

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There was a lot to think about last night, I wonder if anyone slept. I know I only got in a few winks.

After preparing for the day ahead, I was once again requested to see Malas, along with Rii. I walked the familiar route, entering the hall, greeted by not only the Earl but also our war general, Vex.

Vex was another of the few blessed and cursed with yin yang wings. His white hair also set him apart from the rest of us, for he was not even 40. Some in the town said he was born with it, others claimed it changed when he was young. Regardless, he neither claimed, nor denied these rumors leaving it a mystery.

"My Earl, for what do I have the honor of discussing with you today?" I stated, bowing as custom.

"That is something Vex and I have discussed. We think this is our only solution, if you are willing to work with us Spera." Malas spoke directly.

"You see Spera, the Academy is approaching their second semester. It is at this time they instruct a batch of new winged that they find." Vex begun.

"... and this involves me???"

"You will be one of those new arrivals." Vex stated, no sugar coating. I certainly wasn't hoping for that, though I had an idea that it might have.

"Why me though, what about Rii?!" I nevertheless protested. I wasn't about to be brainwashed by my own kind.

"Rii is too old, you look innocent and like a good candidate for their school." Vex explained.

"But they're going to brainwash me!"

"No they're not, not with your blessing." Malas interjected.

"My blessing? How do you know?" I stuttered.

"Because I was sent to retrieve it." Rii announced, just now entering the room.

"Wait, I'm so confused. You sent Rii to get my blessing?" I continued, pointing at us for emphasis.

Malas nodded, then explained to me that the mentor was to climb through the forest and ask the Daimon to bless the one they looked after and guided.

"It is up to the Daimon whether or not to oblige that request." Malas finished, looking at Rii.

Rii looked at me, and instructed me to repeat what she was about to say.


'Miknuur' I replied, and then I heard nothing, thought nothing, and said nothing. Because I couldn't. All I could do was observe.

"A natural." Malas whispered.

"Unbelievable." Vex remarked.

"Judgement Manipulation. When used she can openly choose to block out what others say, or plant thoughts into others' minds. Though the later will take some practice, the former should help her. I'm just glad they blessed her with this, otherwise we would need to send someone else with practice to project it onto her, and we aren't sure if that would actually work. it should wear off soon." Rii explained to the others.

I shook out of whatever had just happened and Rii explained to me my blessing. I felt relieved and curiosity as to why of all the blessings, I would receive this one.

Rii and Vex had me practice my blessing a bit to make sure I got the hang of using it. After that was over, Vex explained the plan to me.

"We know their patrols through the forest. We are certain that this route," he pointed to a dense area where few winged traveled. "will be covered next and soon. We will need you to put yourself out there for the taking, but give them a
chase. Once you are recruited, block out everything they say, and learn as much as you can about their inside operations." Vex explained.

"And if my cover is blown?"

"We have Rii tailing you. You'll be fine."

"Alright, when do we head out?"


I didn't expect that. Here I was, standing in the middle of the forest, waiting for a scout. I called out for help multiple times, hoping to catch their attention. I was getting antsy.

A holler reached my ears and I caught sight of them. I beckoned once more, making sure they saw me before starting the chase.

Being the densest part of the forest, it was hard to navigate with extra appendages, bushes and branches scratched me and my messy running was leaving a trail.

I kept running, so long as they would give chase I was good. The yelled for me to stop, I heard their "concerns" and didn't listen. I didn't want to listen.


Like that, their pleads and hollers faded away and I heard nothing. Unfortunately the little victory in my head landed me face first on the ground.

Owww. Get up Spera. Can't give in yet.

Like that, I was up on my feet, slower than before. My power was wearing off, I could hear their celebration at finding a feather or five left from my clumsy fall.

Now or never, I twisted through the trees making a mad dash for the clearing. It was only when I had stepped out that I had realized my mistake...

They had backup. Backup didn't look very friendly.

I pretended to trip again, allowing them to grab me and drag me off to their academy. I was okay, it was all part of the plan.


"Boss, we got another one. Think she'll be the last for this next class." A scout reported. The director turned his glance towards me, calling for my release.

"What is your name my dear?"

"Spera." I stated barely above a whisper. Part of the plan, I was to comply with orders.

"Alright Spera, how old are you?"


"Okay, don't worry. You are going to fit right in with the rest of the freshman class. We will have you in a home in no time." He commented, then as an aside to an assistant, "place her on Adelphi's list."

"Yes sir. That fills all of the spots on her list now."

"Perfect, I think our seniors will or happy to know they will have their lists by tomorrow. Patch her up and get her fed, Spera, you will have a big day tomorrow."

And with that final comment, the director left and I was taken to the medical unit.

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