Friend or Foe

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~~~~~~~Adelphi's POV~~~~~~

This cell is...tiny. Metal door, metal floor, and cave-like walls and ceiling surrounded me. Through the window of the door I could see guards outside my cell; in time they would trade shifts but never talk. It felt like a funeral was going on somewhere.

Throughout the day I was brought food and water. The food was much better quality than I thought a prisoner would receive and the water tasted pure, as if it came directly from a river. I was never allowed outside my cell however and it wasn't big enough to get any exercise. Only a wooden chair, a small cot, and a toilet decorated the cell, passing the time was extremely difficult.

After a full two days locked up, I had my first contact with another person. The General from the fight stood outside my cell door.

"What happened to her chains?" He asked one of the guards.

"She kept screaming at us. I wasn't the one to remove them but whoever did I'm sure it was to stop her screaming. Good thing to." Vex rolled his eyes before finally paying me attention.

"How are you faring?"

"Well, I'm locked in a cell, I have no idea where I am, I have no idea who you are, and I have no idea whether or not my sister is okay so I am doing just great thank you very much, sir." I bit back at him. If he was offended, he didn't show it.

"Alright Adelphi. In case you forgot my name is Vex, first General of the military here. I would like to ask you some questions."

"Go ahead." I sigh, pulling the chair and sitting in it.

"First, why did you attack Rii?"

"She was crazy! Or at least I thought she was. I needed to go home, my father wouldn't be happy I was late." I roll my eyes at his mention.

"Why didn't you just hear her out, or even tell her you weren't interested." He pries again.

"She said you had Brennan who had been missing for the past week! I wanted my friend back and she wasn't exactly giving out information. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"Brennan is here, he's been an interesting man, trashed the house we gave him-"

"Where is he? I want to see him now or so help me!"

"I doubt you're in a position to make threats. Sit down Miss Krynn." Vex states, and I relax for the moment.

"Then may I please see him?" I try politely.

"You may, he is preoccupied with Rii for the moment. I will let him know you wish to see him." Vex begins to walk away as I shout one last question.

"Why is he with Rii?"

Vex turns and addresses me, "Well first off, she is, well was in the infirmary for a broken wing. Secondly he demanded we let him in which we didn't comply with, that is why his house is a disaster. While he was away, Rii asked to see him herself. The two have become quite good friends. Don't worry, he will come and see you."

Vex walked away after that and I sat back onto the chair wondering why he was so worried about her and not me.

Friends for seven years and he leaves me to rot in this cell.

Through the door's window I can see the sun setting and assume it to be around six or seven. I leave the chair and make myself comfortable on the cot for yet another night and sleep.

An intense pounding on my cell door woke me up the next morning. Looking at the door I saw a guard at the door. I shout to him that I'm up and he opens the door, placing my breakfast on the chair along with silverware before promptly leaving. I eat as slowly as I can manage to pass the time.

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