Safe and Sound

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As the day trekked on, so did the mentors. Adelphi still couldn't shake that feeling of knowing Spera, but why in her dream?

At the end of the day the group got together and held a discussion, much like an open house.

"So Spera, how did you like the campus? It may look daunting now but we are all very friendly and you will settle in quickly." Adelphi asked me.

"It's... nice. I like that it's big and open, but how am I going to make friends when there are only a small percentage of us here?" I responded, trying to get more information.

"Well, that will always be a challenge for us. Some of us do make friends with wingless humans, which is nice. But the majority of us will always have our small circle of friends. The good thing about that is that we often become so close, we consider each other our own family." Adelphi relied with a smile.

Interesting. If only she knew how big my family is back home; not the one I was recently assigned to, but the forest. And it's so nice there, why would she want to stay here? I half heartedly listened as Adelphi questioned the remaining members of the group, waiting to "go home". When the blessed time arrived, I walked as calmly as I could to the gate and down the first street towards my new home.

Then I bolted for the forest.

I was going to be trouble for my current family, I had already decided that. But I couldn't stay out in this world by myself without another from my true home, someone to keep me rooted to the ground and not veer off into this la la land they have created.

"What are you doing?" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. There stood Rii, practically glaring at me.

"I'm going home, I did what you all asked for and got enrolled at the school." I replied.

"Yes; however, you're not going to the right home Spera." She replied.

"No Rii, don't make me go there, no one is there for me, I'll be an outcast, I'll be hurt, I'll be banished and confined to my room, I'll be-"

"Stop it Spera! You are going there because it is part of your rouse. You have to act strong until we know for certain what exactly is going on here. That requires you to live in a strangers house and accept it. I will be watching you, I have been watching you this whole day." Rii responded, grabbing my shoulders and turning the both of us around, in the direction of my "home".

She led me on quietly through the streets until we were a block away from my new living quarters. A family of six, now seven. Supposedly they had previously housed a winged but they had fulfilled their contract when he reached 21 and he was removed from the house. Rii stood there and allowed me to walk on in the light of the streetlamps, while she hid in the shadows watching me. That was the only comfort I had when I reached the porch and knocked in the door to my new- albeit fake - life.

A woman answered the door, she was short with blonde hair and a horrible fashion sense. Then in a voice so low I didn't know a woman could possess, she asked me if I was Spera.

I replied with a stuttered yes and she invited me inside the three story house. I could hear many noises; too loud rock music, a girl chatting on the phone(well, it could be yelling at that volume), and clattering of pots and pans in the kitchen as multiple people prepared dinner for the night. I was going to live in a controlled chaos.

"Kids! Our newest member is here, come over to the living room and meet her!" The woman shouted towards the rest of the house. She then turned towards me and spoke, "Spera, my name is Laurely Brigget. You may call me by my first name or you may call me 'mom' since you are now a welcome member of our family.

"Thank you Laurely. I think I will stick with that for now, yeah." I said holding my arms.

After a minute, members of the family made their way into the room, quickly landing their stares on me. It unnerved me to be the source of attention and at that moment I wanted nothing more than my mentor's wings shielding me.

"This is Spera, the newest member of our family. Make her feel welcome. Spera, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"

I stood there, in the middle of the room, studying each new face. A brunette woman and man, and a small near-black haired set of twin boys. It was to these people I told them my name, my age, and a few other details-being careful not to reveal any information about Daimon. After a short applause, I snuck off to my room on the first floor to unpack.

I had nearly finished unpacking when Rii tapped the window pane. I opened the window, her arms quickly wrapping around me, knowing I was safe.

"So, what's it like in this place? They treating you right?" She asked me, partially leaning in the window.

"So far this place seems alright. The kids stare daggers at me though, I think I'll be spending a lot of time in here, Rii." I replied, folding the bag and storing it under the bed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm still here shadowing you. If it all starts to go wrong, I'm right outside."

"Thanks Rii. I don't know how I'm going to hold up here without slipping up."

"You won't slip up. Go on to bed, you have a busy day tomorrow with school and all."

"Alright I'll get to bed. But please make sure I get to sleep before you leave." I stated, pulling back the covers.

"I'm not going anywhere, Spera. Goodnight."


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