Turning the Tides

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"Oh look, he's awake!" Vex chimed almost mockingly. I sent him a glare as Brennan began to stir and eventually, open his eyes.

"Hey, you awake? The Earl has requested to see you once you were awake." I say, resting a hand on his shoulder. He seems to register the contact and shoos my hand away. He then sits up on the cot, only now recognizing me.

"Rii? What am I doing here?"

"Wait, you two know each other!" Vex remarks from behind me.

"Only vaguely." Came my brisk reply.

"Tell me! Where is the school? Where are my friends? Who is this?" Brennan's questions came one right after another. I didn't know how to answer them without making him upset, but I would have to.

"Hold on. Okay first off, this is General Vex, commander of our militia-"

"Militia? For what?"

"Ah uh un. Questions reserved for the end. Understand?" He nodded, a bit annoyed, but complying.

"Okay, so Vex, the commander of our militia, which we haven't used for more than patrolling  our borders for the time being. As for where your friends are, they are still in school. None of this was planned to be honest..." I trailed off, the guilt finding its way back as earlier events rushed back to me. "and your school, well it's on the other side of the forest, still standing and still functioning." 

Brennan was on his feet now, Standing a half foot taller than me, yet the way my wings turned up technically I was taller than him. He made for the door, only to be stopped by Vex who insisted that we would escort the young man. Vex led the way, while I fell behind.

Once we arrived, Vex motioned for us to stop while he approached the throne room. I positioned myself next to Brennan and quickly whispered, "Make one move and I will incapacitate you."

"I don't doubt it. You did it once already, and I assume you carried me here. I know my place here, it isn't very high, is it?"

"No it is not."

Vex reappeared a short time later, nodding for us to follow. Pushing the man in question forward, I soon fell into step once again behind him as we passed through a large doorway. On our way crossing the large room, I instructed Brennan to kneel once we reached the Earl. He agreed without protest.

Reaching the throne we each took a knee in respect(or for Brennan as ordered to) and rose when Malas spoke. 

"Young man, what is your name?"

"Brennan, sir." He responded, determination in his eyes. For what though, I knew not.

"Do you know why you are here?" Earl Malas continued his questioning.

"I do, sir. She brought me here while I was unconscious." Brennan responded, nodding in my direction.

"Well, I am glad you understand that. Now let us delve further into current matters. How long have you been enrolled at Hope Academy?"

"I do not know, sir. I do know that I have been there a great while though."

"And why is this information not known to you?"

"I guess I have been there too long to remember when I initially was welcomed into the school." Although he sounded true, Brennan's tone and choice of words made me question his ignorance.

The questions went on and on, and we soon learned that Brennan knew very little about the place he cared so much about. I could see Vex was growing impatient as he saw this risk was providing little reward, and Malas was growing tired of asking the same questions to which he got the same reply.

"How can you not know such things boy! You have lived under the illusion of this school for most of your life, I want answers!" He declared, rising out of his seat.

"Sire, I already have told you everything I know, I just want to go home now to my friends." Brennan pleaded with the Earl, I couldn't help but feel sorry, I took him away from the only life he ever knew; hopefully he would adapt quickly to our way of doing things.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, Malas replied, "Send him away. Prepare lodgings for him in the south quarter."

"Yes my Earl." Vex and I simultaneously responded. I took Brennan's arm, guiding him out of the building. His posture had deteriorated throughout the questioning as he lost his determination and the spark in his eyes I had seen earlier. I couldn't control how these things went, but I would have stopped the questions long ago.

We made it halfway across the room before my protege bursts in the room, soaking wet. Handing Brennan over to Vex, I approached a winded Spera, who had removed a stack of red from under her shirt.

"Here...read these...student files...god..." She spoke between ragged breaths, handing over the red she had been hiding. Looking at the four files, I couldn't help a smile as I embraced her.

"Spera, you've done well. Come with me, Malas shall know this is your doing." I tell her, ushering her forward to the end of the room. Passing Brennan and Vex, I couldn't help but notice both of their stares focused on the stack of files in my hand; Vex seemed to be astonished while Brennan's gaze held nothing but curiosity and hurt. I had to tear my eyes away and urge them both away and out.

"My Earl, a breakthrough in the lacking information has been obtained and delivered by Spera. I present the student files she has recovered." Holding out the documents, he gently took them from my hands and overlooked each one. His face was a wheel of emotions, starting with relief, then landing on confusion, hurt, back to relief, rage, and many others.

Closing the last folder, he rose and spoke. "It is clear to me now that the intentions of this school are not what the students believe them to be. There are things in here I could never imagine happening, yet have happened. We must take action and free those that are blind to the curse they live. Spera, Rii, you two may now leave. Vex will also look at this information and no doubt will pass it on to you Rii. In the meantime, go and catch some sleep."

Nodding, we both turned tail and left the building; Spera staying with me as my living quarters were much nicer than hers. I only caught the last words our leader spoke as we exited.

"Nothing will be the same again. Whether we win or lose, nothing will be the same."

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