A Plan Gone to Hell

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~~~~~~Adelphi's POV~~~~~~

It had been 24 hours now. Long enough to file a missing persons report, right? I hadn't seen Brennan since lunch yesterday, okay so maybe he was home sick. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing. Nadia told me she would ask Mr. and Mrs. Vegeir if he had come down with something. Now I only waited for her to show up today and hopefully prove my fears wrong. Being a worry-wart was something I had developed around the time I hit puberty, also the time I had been moved into my current household.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Nadia approach me. Relieved, I met her halfway and looked to her expectantly.

"Mrs. Vegeir was unaware Brennan had disappeared. He wasn't at home, and she thought he was with me or you." She spoke, answering my silent question.

"So, what next? He couldn't have gone far."

"Adelphi, maybe the school just kept him overnight. You need to chill out."

Hearing her, and left with no other option, I conceded and let the topic drop in the hope that she was right, even though she had already been wrong once. We allowed our days to continue as normal, seeing and hearing no sign of Brennan. By the end of the day my worries had surfaced again, and I had pulled Nadia aside after the final bell had rung.

"Nadia, I still haven't seen him. Where is he?"

"Chill out Adelphi! How about we go up to the office and ask for him." Nadia pulled me along towards administration; once there, we were shocked to find a team of scouts lined up against the wall. Nadia closed my mouth as a dozen pairs of eyes stared us down; the room adopting a deadly silence.

An administrator cleared his throat, "May I help you?"

Neither of us spoke as we took in the many soldiers, then after being prompted once again, Nadia answered.

"We were looking for our friend, Brennan Vegeir. He hasn't shown up and Mr. And Mrs. Vegeir do not know where he is..."

"Ah yes, it seems Brennan has decided to play hooky. Do not worry yourselves, the commander was just about to send out these fine men and women to look for him." The administrator jested towards the ten scouts. "Maybe you could help us and tell us where he might have gone?"

I responded this time, "I don't know sir. He does not do out often, if at all."

The man nodded, then addressed the team, "Go to the forest then, that is our best bet." The scouts nodded and made to leave; however, the commander held up a hand to stop them.

"Ladies you may go, we will send for you once we locate your friend." Both of is nodded before I opened the door and exited along with Nadia.

The commander saw us leave and gave his final order to the team, "Find the rogue, bring him back alive and whoever is working with him. If they resist, kill them." With a wave of his hand, the team was sent towards the woods.

Sitting at a table, neither of us spoke. Nadia looked at me, then back to her binder, drawing random lines and shapes. It seemed the only thing we could do was play the waiting game and hope for favorable results.

After an indefinite silence, I stood and stretched my legs, deciding to give up the chase for the day. "Nadia, I am going to return home before father decides to have my head."

She nodded in acknowledgement, yet remained seated stating she would wait a little longer.

The journey home was rather uneventful, yet I never made it to my destination. With only a quarter of my journey left, I was stopped by a familiar face.

"Spera. How are you doing? Is the Academy treating you well?" I asked as the shorter redhead approached.

"I am doing quite well Adelphi. My family is nice, but I couldn't stay away from the home I grew up in so I returned there." She replied with a smile on her face.

"Oh, you grew up in the city?" I was curious yet she shook her head no. She elaborated when she saw the confusion on my face.

"I grew up in the forest, in a community of people just like you and me."

"Hold on, you refused the people who sought to take you in as one of their own?"

"Why try to fit in where we do not belong?" Spera answered me, grabbing my arm. "Come, there is someone you need to meet, properly." She tugged on my arm and I followed her, a little offset by her demeanor.

Spera led me up the street I just came down and shoved me into a thicket of bushes - scratching both of our wings in the process. While I turned, prepared to scold her, I noticed we were not alone and the winged I had met earlier stood before me. Rii's distinctive wings helped make her presence known.

"Rii, what have you done now? Scouts not good enough for you, now you take students?"

"Well, you hit it right on the nail, though I doubt you have the right individual." She smirked, waiting for the pieces to connect. Unfortunately, I was too caught up in the moment to notice anything was amiss.

"Spera refuses her home to live with your people. Next she'll miss school, and then we'll have scouts looking for both her and Brennan!"

"Would you like me to spell it out for you?"

"Yes, why don't you go ahead and spell it out for me!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Brennan is safe... with us." She replied curtly, waiting for it to sink in. The thought registered in my head, and the words rang clear.

'Brennan is with... them! Why the little-'

The thought didn't finish as I charged her, Spera trying in vain to hold me back. Slamming into her, I was able to push her to the ground as an ear-piercing cry escaped her throat.

"Get. The. Fuck. OFF OF ME!" She screamed between pained gasps. I looked at her oddly, not knowing what was causing her so much pain. Before I knew it I was pulled off of her and Spera was sitting on me.

Rii had yet to rise, her gasps of pain the only indication she was still there. Spera had lifted some of her weight off of me, allowing me to sit up.

"Spera- get Vex. Bring him here. ignore. Ignore me." Rii had resorted to a whisper, but a forced one.

'Miknuur' Spera spoke, a strained nod came from Rii as she spoke her next word.

'Hahnu' and everything went black.

A/N: Guys I'm back and I'm so sorry for not updating in FOREVER! Cookie?

But hey, I got a gif! Which is actually pretty fricken cool for future chapters. ;)

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