Information and Capture

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Miss Jauden guided me through several rooms; starting with the nurses office and the counseling rooms before moving on to details such as the break room and office supply closet.

We passed by yet another door in a hallway leading back to the main room; however, the older woman had not stopped to tell me what was behind the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Jauden, but what is this room for?" I asked, pointing towards the door.

Stopping and turning she said, "Oh that room. It's just the student files, which are kept in filing cabinets. You know, something students don't get to look at."

"Sorry, I was just curious. I'm not trying to offend anyone."

Miss Juaden turned back around and motioned for me to follow. "That's alright Spera, no harm in asking a question."

Setting foot in the main room once again, I thanked her for showing me around before leaving the building.

"So, what did you get?" Rii appeared from the roof.

"Not much. It's a standard school office, although they keep student records under lock and key."

"Really? Well, guess we'll have to look up some files... won't we?" A devilish smile appeared on my mentor's face.

"I'm not breaking in Rii, you should know that."

She threw herself over the edge and landed on the ground next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "By we, I meant me. However, I will need someone to keep the attention away from me."

"I'll think of something, okay."

"Well think fast, blondie is coming over." With those final words, Rii flew back up to her perch. Looking to my right, I saw Brennan approach wearing the same grin I saw him with earlier.

"Hey Spera, what's up?"

"Nothing, just finished getting a tour of the office building."

He looked at me strangely, like Adelphi had done earlier. "Why would you need a tour of the office?"

"You know... just in case something happens." I reply with the same story I told the counselor.

"Okay then. See you around." He waved goodbye before opening the door at walking through the building I just came out of.

Follow him.

"No Rii. Do it yourself, I'm not getting my hands any dirtier than they already are."

I began walking away, hearing a quiet thud as Rii landed near the door. The door opened, leaving me to groan and hope she didn't get caught. Turning around, I made my way to a window to watch my mentor put her life in danger because of me.

He continued on his way through the office, turning right and entering the copy room. Stopping short, I observed him as he went about performing secretary work, though I knew he was still a student.

Putting paper through the fax machine, he spoke up, "Hey, you new here as well."

I hadn't expected him to know I had tailed him. My silence must have put him off because he turned to face me.

"No, you can't be new, you're too old. So why are you here? What's your name?" He added on once he had studied my features.

"My name..."

"Yes, your name. Can't be that hard. Mine is Brennan." He turned back to the fax machine.

"Umm, it's Rii." I stated slowly.

"...and your reason for being in the copy room?"

Looking around in hopes of finding someone, I lied. "Just looking for...administration."

"Then I guess you're in the right place. Someone will come around here soon I bet. I'm surprised no one is in here."

"Well, I needed to update my student record. I got a-uhh, a change of address."

"Ohh, well our files aren't kept in the office, you will have to go over to the library." Finishing up, he grabbed the stack and walked towards me.

"Thanks Brennan."

Advancing towards me, Brennan uttered one last thing, "By the way, I don't know anyone with your name and your wings."


My fellow winged collapsed on the floor, out cold.

Shit! I didn't mean to do that. Where the he'll am I going to put him?

Two sets of footsteps approached as I scolded myself for acting so irrationally. Looking back down at him, I bent down and heaved his unconscious body around my shoulders before making my way out of the building and off campus.

"Rii! What are you doing?!? Is he-"

"Dead? Spera, no! I used my Daimon power, but I didn't mean to. I'm taking him back to the forest."

"People will know he went missing, what are we going to do?" She worried.

"I don't know, think of something. You need to grow up Spera! I can't always think of a plan to save the day."

"What about the files?"

"He told me that winged files were in the library, but I don't know whether or not to believe him. Check both places."

I hurriedly exited the campus grounds before anyone could see the unconscious body I carried and dashed for home. This will be an interesting day.

The extra weight that Brennan added slowed me down significantly as I maneuvered through the trees and shrubbery. It also took more effort to get to the hidden city. The sun had lowered itself halfway across the sky by the time I reached our boarders.

Now would be a fantastic time for you to wake up. I thought as I repositioned the student and resumed my trek back home.

People gasped as I walked across the streets to the palace, internally struggling every step of the way. When I finally made my way inside, I collapsed, dropping Brennan rather unceremoniously in front of me.

"What happened? Who is this, Rii?" Malas spoke as he rose from the throne.

"My Earl. A winged. Alive. Recovered from. Hope Academy." I gasped between breaths.

"How did you manage this?"

"He was going to blow my cover, I spoke Daimon. He fell unconscious. I couldn't leave him there."

"I will send for some medics to care for him until he wakes up. We will then question this man and find out what he knows about that school." Malas finished, motioning with his hand for the nurses as I stood and exited, sparing one last glance at the unconscious man on the floor.


What will Brennan tell Malas and Rii?
Will Adelphi and Nadia come for him?

A/N: Thank you to all of my readers who have read and liked my book! If you liked this chapter or any of the previous ones feel free to let me know by leaving me a comment or a vote. :)

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