Mountains of Power

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~~~~ Three Months Later~~~~

"Tread Lightly."

"I am!"

"Then why do I hear your steps behind me?"

"Maybe because snow makes noise when you step on it?"

"It doesn't when I walk."

"Of course it doesn't."

"Come on Adelphi, this will be worth it but you need to prove yourself. I cannot go onward with you, but after you receive your Daemon power, you will meet me back here."

"You really think that I am ready for this?"

"It doesn't matter what I think, the only opinion that matters is that of the gods, and the one that chooses you as its warrior."

"None of this makes sense, Rii."

"It will believe me."

Standing midway up a mountain, Rii urged me forward, farther up. According to the legends, she had shared with Brennan and me every Aliferous was blessed by one of the gods, so long as they could climb the mountain. Snow crunched under my feet as my body shivered under the light snowfall. I had made it perfectly clear at the beginning of the journey that I had no idea where I was going or what I was supposed to do; and yet Rii insisted, pushed me onward - both figuratively and literally - until we reached this point. According to her, all I had to do was walk straight forward. Easier said than done when walking forward involves climbing up.

My arm went to my eyes as I continued to climb, only now noticing a small platform near the zenith of the mountain. I could hear Rii shouting some distance away, but couldn't quite make out what it was she was yelling about. I continued upward, wanting desperately to get off of this mountain, hoisting myself onto a large stone platform and catching my breath.

The stone was circular, or maybe more oval-like, with large stones jutting up on the end closest to the mountain. Raising myself, I slowly walked over, running a gloved hand over one of the stones. Jagged letters were carved in the stone, in a language I could not identify, nor attempt to speak. Was this what I came all the way up here for? What was I supposed to do?

A searing pain ripped through my body, bringing me down to my knees in the freezing snow. I wanted to think, but the pain was relentless, leaving me breathless and gasping.

Then the world went black.

When I woke up, the world seemed to have doubled and spun around, making it hard to stand up. Everything was darker and there was a great commotion along with a sharp ringing assaulting my ears. 

Where am I?

I knew I couldn't be dead, there were too many things irritating me and death was kinder than this. At least, that was my belief. Though I could hear the cries of those around me, I could not see them, nor could I pinpoint where the voices were coming from. Everything seemed to be tinted a greenish-black color and there were many buildings around me, although none of them seemed to be for housing. Atop a mountain in the distance there lay a great palace of some sorts, and to the right of it was some sort of sculpture that rose high into the black clouded sky. 

"Great, another mountain to climb."

Lost, I began walking forward towards the palace. Hopefully, it would bring me answers, though I wasn't sure what to expect from this place.

What I expected in a loud, mysterious city was not what I encountered. Along the way, each street I walked and every hill I climbed I was met with no opposition. Yet, the shouts and other sounds still surrounded me, as if the people who resided here were invisible. I wasn't sure if I had made any wrong turns along the way, but the palace seemed to be getting closer so I figured I was moving in the right direction. When I reached the base of the mountain that held the palace, I was pleasantly surprised to find stairs to help me up; however, I knew it would still be a long way up. I began climbing, each step sending a stab of pain through my legs. Pins and needles as well as daggers and swords embedded themselves in my ankles, my calves, and my thighs until the mounting pain sent my feet out from underneath me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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