Suprise, Suprise

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"Again!" I commanded, raising my weapons and slamming them together, creating sparks from the clash of metal. Several weeks have passed since the first scouting trip and I had spent each subsequent day training either Adelphi or Brennan. On the days I wasn't training Adelphi, Vex was.

"Come on Rii, we have been going at it for hours. Can I just get a five-minute rest?" Adelphi sputtered, spit mixed with her breath as she lowered her guard. I lowered my weapons, conceding to her wish.

"Just know that on the battlefield, your enemies won't be giving you five-minute breaks. Get some water but no shower, we're not done yet." I say, raising my sword in her direction. She produces a sound halfway between a laugh and a snort, choking on the water she was drinking. "Am I funny all of a sudden? Try not to die while we still need you."

"Rii, you're always funny, just not in the way you think you are." She smirks, thinking she's smart. Why am I doing this again?

"What's up ladies?" Brennan enters with Vex trailing behind him. 

Looking between both of them I couldn't help but guffaw at the two very different expressions on their faces. Vex appeared to be done with Brennan while Brennan was blissfully unaware of the glares he was receiving from behind. Oh, if looks could kill.

"Hey, finally someone with a proper sense of humor. I was beginning to wilt from lack of happiness and joy." Adelphi's remark earns her two eye-rolls; one from Vex and another from me.

"Okay little miss sunshine. Vex, you up for a round of sparring?" He nods, apparently grateful for the distraction. Picking out two daggers, he approaches me as I back away from the other teens, giving us plenty of space. We ready our stances, a palpable silence falling between us. "En garde!"

His daggers and my sword clash together, send off round after round of bright orange sparks. We are evenly matched despite the age gap and our fight turns into a dance of offense and defense. Vex will lead while I defend his brutal attacks then I will take the edge and send Vex dodging fast and graceful sweeps. Daimon powers are off-limits in training; however, flying isn't and soon Vex takes to the air, looking to bring his weapons back down to earth but I meet him hallway about three meters off the ground, our weapons locked together. In this moment there is calm. Any second one of us would break free and the storm would continue. It is I that manages to break the hold and back away from my opponent. Vex takes a moment to calculate his next move while I study his possible options, like a chess game. The goal is to always be one step ahead of your opponent.

Vex dashes downward and I immediately launch myself higher into the air, feeling the gust of wind that follows his weapon. Angling myself downward towards him I dive with my wings folded, unfurling them at the last second to swing my sword across his abdomen. Instead I make contact with metal once again and see the smirk planted on his face. As I raise a brow I am pushed back with great force, my weapon flung from my grasp. Panicking for only a second, I dash downward and collect it from the ground where it had clattered to. Turning on my back, I raise the sword just in time to block another attack from Vex; however, his other dagger is positioned at my back ready to strike.

"Check." He smirks.

"I don't think so." 

Slamming my wings together, I crush his hand with enough force that he drops the weapon, then push him back with my own. Instead of staying put, I travel with him keeping the pressure on his only dagger and bringing my free hand to his neck. Making several failed attempts, I manage to grab him around the collar of his shirt and swing him to the ground. On his back, he puts up a valiant effort scooting across the floor to his other weapon. Pressing all of my weight against him, I manage to stop his advances and press my sword against his neck, one hand on the hilt and the other on the blade.

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