Chapter 19- Toddlers are soo cute!

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I am realising that i dont think the story is ready to end here im postponing the sequel and continueing this story until chapter 30 at the most :D

***^^^~~~___••2 Years Later••___~~~^^^***

It's been two whole years since James left for college. Every now and then he comes down to visit me and the twins. Ive decided to do college online. I don't think i can even handle leaving the twins. After my 12th grade graduation ceremony i got my own place. I live about an hour away from my parents tops. I live in a nice sized two bedroom apartment. It has a beautiful main room that's connected to my perfect kitchen. Well i say it is marble counter tops marble island. Even the main room looks nice. My parents are makin me work on my online classes. They won't even let me get a job they're payin for the apartment while i get done with school. I argued for about a week about it but then James talked me into it.

The twins are now three years old and super adorable. Their room is painted a hot pink with white polka dots. They both have their own beds. My parents thought i was spoiling them when i got them Canopy Toddler Bedleaps. But i told them it was just love. Today is saturday and right now im working online. The twins are learning alot. Both of them can walk and speak a little bit of words but not alot. They barely bug me when im doin my classes online they just watch tv or play.

"Mommy!!!" i hear Dían cry. I sigh and get up from my bed. I walk across the hall to their room. I see Dían sitting on her bed and Díanna playing with one of their toys.

"What's wrong sweety?" i ask her kneeling by her bed.

"Díanna take my toy" she whined.

"Nu uh" Díanna said back.

"Yea she-she take my toy" Dían said pulling my shirt.

"No i did'nt" Díanna whined walking over to me.

"Yaa!" Dían shouted at her.

"Dían stop" i told her. I lifted her from her bed and grabbed Díannas' hand. "Let's go watch tv"

"Ya ya ya!" Díanna smiled going to my room. Dían hopped down and followed her. I turned off their light and went in my room. I turned on the tv and put in one of the Dora dvds i got them. They sat down on my bed and starred at the tv. I went to my laptop and began working again. I heard the doorbell ring and sighed.

"I can't get a break" i mumbled to myself opening the door.

"Hey Ki!" it was James. I smiled hugging him.

"Daddy!!" i hear one of the twins shout. They came running over.

"Hey babygirl" he lifted Dían kissing her on the forehead.

"Daddy what 'bout meee..." Díanna whined pulling at his pant leg. I took Dían from him and he lifted Díanna up. I walked into the main room sitting Dían on the couch.

"What are you doing here James?" i asked him when he sat down next to me.

"To visit my Fíancee" he smiled kissing me on the cheek. Yep we decided we were going to wait until he is finished with college. One because then we could actually live together two the twins will be older and could be flower girls. Plus he's working on a four year degree to be a Contracting Engineer. He thinks it's nice for him so im just supporting him the best i can.

"Ewwww" The twins giggled simultaniously. I chuckled and stood up.

"You guys hungry?" i asked looking between the twins and James.

"Uh wanna go out to the fair" he smiled.

"Mommy can we go?!?" the twins kept shouting jumping up and down.

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