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As a wave came crashing over us Kevin smiled and went under. When the wave was gone I looked up and Kevin was at the shore. I swam up to him and we walked back.

JJ ran up from behind me and picked me up throwing me over his sholder.
"HAHAH!" JJ laughed running away from Kevin and over to the guys. I started laughing and looked at Kevin who was just walking. I feel so awful.

"JJ put me down!" I banged on his back as he stopped moving and put me down.

"I'm gonna go up and chill for a bit." I walked up to the area we had and checked on Lucy who was asleep. I told Vikk to go have some fun and he did so. I sat there and check my phone.

All the guys had tweeted that were at the beach and posted a whole bunch of different pictures. I put on my music and watched the waves crash into the shore while the guys were fooling around.

We only stayed for another hour because we had a dinner party to go to for Vid Con.

When it reached 3:30 Lucy woke up, the guys packed up all the stuff, and because they were lazy called a cab and all but Simon hopped into the cab and left. I chose to walk woth Lucy but Simon came along just so no one would come attack me.

"10k... What happened at the orphanage?" Simon asked moving my hair off my back.

"Mrs. G liked to drink so whenever she would drink she would beat me and tell me no one would adopt me and that I was bad. She almost did it to Lucy but I grabbed her and protected her. She was only six months old." I looked at Lucy who fell asleep. I adjusted her so that she could lean her whole body onto me.

"Heather-" I cut off Simon.

"And Mrs. G gave me that name. Heather. I hate it so much. That's why I gave myself the name 10k." I looked over at Simon and gave him a little smile.

"10k I'm so sorry. I will never let anything happen to you and Lucy. As long as you two are my children I will go to the ends of the earth to protect the both of you." Simon put his arm over my shoulder and kissed me on the top of my head.

When we arrived at the hotel it was 3:50 so I woke up Lucy and showed her. I then got her dressed. She was wearing a pink shirt with little ruffles at the bottom, white leggings, white shoes, and I put her hair into two pigtails.

I called Harry and asked him if he could come watch Lucy while I showered and he said yes so I put Lucy into her crib that was cleaned out from the sand. Then I looked through my clothes. I picked out my white shorts, pink crop top, and my white vans. When I can't pick an outfit I just wear what Lucy is but from my collection of clothes.

Harry walked in and I headed into the shower. As I was washing the shampoo out of my hair I heard the door open. I looked around the shower curtain and it was Harry.

"Sorry Sorry I have to pee." Harry apologized. I went back to washing my hair when Harry started talking to hide the noise of him peeing.

"So are you and Kevin like a thing?" Is that what everyone was thinking about Kevin and I?

"Harry of course were NOT!" I started laughing grabbing the soap and starting to wash my face.

"So then why won't you go out with me?" Harry asked with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"If Simon finds out then everything could go wrong." I replied looking around the curtain. Harry was just sitting on the toilet when he noticed me.

"I'll leave you to you-" Harry stopped mid sentence and kissed me. I couldn't help it I kissed him back. When we came apart nothing was said. He just walked out and I finished my shower.

When I came out I saw Harry sitting on the bed closest to the bathroom. I gave him a smile, grabbed my clothes and got dressed in the bathroom. When I was done I opened the door so the steam from my shower would let out. I wiped the mirror of when I saw Harry. I turned around and he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Har-" I couldn't even get a full word out because he started kissing me and I kissed him back. We stood there kissing for about two minutes when I heard a knock at the door. Simon doesn't need to know about this.

A Wish Come True(A SideMen FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now