Family Reunion

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Pippin's laugh sounded high, probably because they had a barrel of pipeweed next to them. My laughter was uncontainable as I looked upon them sitting among the destroyed lands of Isengard having the time of their lives. 

"Welcome my Lords, and Lady," Merry nodded to me, "to Isengard!"  

"You young rascals!" Gimli shouted at the two happy hobbits. "Makin' us go on this adventure and here you sit feastin, and- and smokin'!"

"We are sitting on a field of victory, with a few well-earned comforts, and the salted pork is particularly good," Pippin replied with a big grin on his face. 

"Well quit a feastin' and get a movin'. We've got many things on our hands." I said. 

Merry and Pip hopped down from their perch.

"Ohh." A large, slow, booming voice spoke behind us. I turned to face the Ent, Treebeard, who was approaching us. "I see your friends have found you, little hobbits." 

"Yes indeed, we wish to speak business with you as well," Gandalf replied. Treebeard nodded, Gandalf turned to us. "Aragorn, come with me and Theóden, the rest of you stay here."

I turned to find that everyone had settled themselves down on a log while Merry and Pippin were telling them of their adventures.

"Boromir told us to get behind him and Rosa, we did so as the Orcs came running closer and closer!" Told Pippin. I sat in between Legolas and Èomer. "Then Boromir amazingly started fighting off all the Orcs!" 

"What was Rosa up too?" Asked Legolas. 

"She got knocked out by a club before she could do anything," Merry replied. Legolas furrowed his brow and looked at me.

"Don't look at me," I held up my hands, "I don't remember a lot of this."

Legolas looked back at the hobbits, who had just told about Boromir's death. 

"Then we were picked up by the Orcs, Rosa as well." Merry continued. "We were jostled about, and every time the Orcs stopped to rest, which was very rare, they tossed us to the side like we were nothing. And I guess because of all the jostlin' I was knocked out."

"So I was the only one awake, till one morning, Rosa woke up!" Said Pippin. "You can tell this part." He nodded at me. 

"Alright, well Pippin was being quite loud so I told him to hush, and suddenly a plan sparked in my head. I said to Pippin that I would take the sleeping potion that Galadriel gave me and drink it so I could escape and find Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli so I could save you two." I said.

"What did the potion taste like?" Merry asked.

"It was cold. It didn't really taste like anything at first, but the aftertaste was foul!" I exclaimed. "Almost like the smell of really, really, strong, bitter tea."

"So, Rosa fell asleep, slipped off the Orc that was carrying her, and dropped to the ground," Pippin said. "The Orcs were even planning to eat you! But I said that your kind was poisonous so I saved you!"

I laughed at how Pippin felt like a hero, and that he said I was poisonous. 

"They seriously thought of eating me?" I asked. 

"I think you might've tasted like a library," Legolas said without thinking.   

"Legolas!" I looked at him and the tips of his ears turned pink.

"You often read books, it makes sense in my mind." Legolas shrugged and laughed. I raised an eyebrow then laughed myself. "Which reminds me, you still have to finish reading Beowulf." 

The Fellowship's Silvertongue: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now