Gondor Calls For Aid.

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It was only after sunset when it happened, a large green beacon shot up to the sky from the mountains of Mordor, signaling that the war has begun. My hands tightly gripped the railing as I watched the green light. A hand rested on top of mine and I glanced over to see Legolas standing next to me, Aragorn stood on the other side of him. I looked back towards the mountains and stepped closer to Legolas. His presence became a comfort in this moment of fear. 

"I pray that Theoden chooses to give aid to Gondor," said Aragorn. 

"If he does it needs to be soon," I added. 


The next morning Legolas wanted to teach me how to use the bow more properly because apparently he couldn't stand my posture.

"Stop lowering your elbow, it alters your aim." Legolas tapped my elbow. 

I lifted my elbow and took aim again. 

"Better." Legolas nodded. "Draw the bowstring all the way back to your cheek." He pulled the bowstring back further while I still held it until his fingers brushed my cheek. "Relax when you loose the arrow." 

"Got it..." I said quietly, keeping my eye on the target in front of me. 

Then just before I let the arrow fly, Aragorn went running past us yelling: "The beacons have been lit! The beacons have been lit!" 

"Son of a-" I jumped and let the arrow fly almost hitting a stable boy. "Sorry!" I called after him. 

I watched Aragorn run to the House of Theóden. Legolas and I exchanged looks and we ran after him.

We caught up Aragorn him just as he skidded to a halt in the throne room. Everyone was looking at him as if he had drunk too much. 

"The beacons have been lit, Gondor calls for aid." He breathed out. 

We all looked to Theóden for his answer. 

"And Rohan shall answer." Theóden nodded. "Get all the riders ready, we make for Minas Tirith immediately." 

Aragorn turned and walked up to Legolas and me.  

"Get packed up. Weapons and all." He said.

"Books?" I asked. 

"Yes, books too." Aragorn nodded. 

"Thanks." I pat his arm and ran up to our rooms. 

Quick, quiet, and graceful footsteps followed behind me. I turned my head thinking that it was Legolas, but I saw Èowyn, then continued up the stairs. When I got to the room I started by taking down the drapes, Èowyn went across from me and started taking down the other side and folded them. I bent down and started rolling my mat back up. 

"Why are you putting it all away?" Èowyn asked. "Aren't you returning?" 

I looked at Èowyn. I hadn't realized why I was putting these things away until she said that. 

"Well, I may die." I went back to cleaning. "I can't go to every battle expecting to live. It's a fifty-fifty chance for everyone." I threw my things into my bag and grabbed my weapons.

I suppose I was being serious. About this time is when things get bad. I can't expect to live through this battle, even if I do, the one at the Black Gate won't be any better, only worse.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and jerked my head towards the door. 

"C'mon," I said to Èowyn. 

She nodded and followed me out of the room, we parted ways leaving Theóden's House, and I proceeded to the stables.

When I got there it was uncomfortably crowded, making it extremely hard to get through to Sheika. There was no way to get to the stalls on the ground, so I hopped onto the wooden walls and walked across the fence to Sheika's stall. Few men stopped what they were doing to watch me, then looked away when I hopped into my horse's stall. Once her tack was on, I strapped my bag into the back of the saddle and took her reins to lead her out, which was almost impossible.

"Excuse me." I decided to be polite, but no one moved. "Excuse me!" I said a little louder. 

I got one glance from three men, they saw that I was a woman, or just the Storyteller, and saw no need for me to be on a horse. I began to grow impatient, I mounted Sheika and shouted: "Alright! I've got a battle to go to and if you don't move I swear I will run you all over!" 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I made no expression whatsoever and kept a serious face. When they saw I was actually on my horse, and all moved and made a path for me to go through. 

I ducked my head when going through the door and made my way over to my companions who were already lined up with Theóden. Soon other soldiers were lined up and ready to move.

"Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan, ride forth to Minas Tirith!" Èomer shouted. I didn't even have to tell Sheika to move, once she saw all the other horses running, she did as well. I glanced behind me to see Merry happily ride a pony. I laughed at his excited face.

"What makes you laugh, so?" Legolas asked. 

"Look at Merry." I jerked my head behind us. Legolas looked and smiled. 

"He seems a little too excited for battle, don't you think?" Legolas looked back in front of him. My smile turned into a frown. 

"It's his first huge battle," I said. "At least show him some sympathy and support." 

"Just not too much that he kills himself," Gimli added in.


The fields were filled with tents from other armies. 

"Make way for the king!" One voice called out. 

"How many have arrived?" Theóden asked. 

"About 3000 my Lord, more are coming." Another voice said.

We rode up to our camp and I let someone tie up Sheika. I looked around at the people sharpening swords, shining armor, and trying on helmets. 

"There's a lot of people!" Merry appeared next to me. 

"Took the words right out of my mouth." I laughed.  

"Don't you have to prepare for battle?" He asked me. 

"Oh, right." I looked around and spotted Èowyn. "Èowyn!" I called her over. She stopped what she was doing and approached us. "Could you keep Merry company for awhile? I've got to prepare for battle." 

"Yes of course." Èowyn smiled. 

"Thank you." I nodded. "I'll see you this evening, Merry." 

"Supper?" He asked. 

"Yup," I replied. "Alright, I'll see you later."

I turned and walked over to Aragorn, who was staring down a path. The road to Dimrauld. Down that road was the grave of men who betrayed Isildur during the battle, and hid away in the mountains. Their spirits lie there, not in Heaven nor Hell. Anyone who travels down that road never returns.

"Aragorn." I tapped his shoulder, making him jump. "Are you alright?"

He nodded. I glanced down the path, then back at him. "C'mon, let's go do something productive instead of standing around."

A/N: Extreme late update, so very sorry guys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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