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First darkness, dying. Then light, death. Then voices, the afterlife. Then darkness again... Sleep.

Something smells like roses. Does heaven smell like your favorite flower? Well if I'm in heaven, where are the angels? Why do I just see black? And why is the taste of honey in my mouth?

My body twitched.

Hold on. Cool air, rising chest... A thumping sound. My heart is beating. I'm still alive! I'm still alive! Wait, why did I die? Oh yeah, I took that arrow for- Oh my God! Where's Legolas! Where's the company? Where am I? Why am I not waking up yet?

Alright, calm down... You're probably just out cold. But when will I wake up? What if I'm out forever?
Dammit, life!
I just got married and- oh wait, that was my fault...

Gosh, I'm hungry... And thirsty. Is this what Sleeping Beauty and Snow White felt like? I mean, when they woke up they had to have begged their prince's for food. Maybe Snow White cooked for herself- hold on, where am I going with this?

Alright, I need to wake up. But I don't know how.. What if I got true love's- no... That's not real. Just a fairy tale. Ugh, the only ideas I have are from books.

Hey! Galadriel gave me those medicines! Revival medicine! Well, of course, they already used it on me, otherwise, I wouldn't be alive. Is that why my mouth tastes like honey? Okay, so the sleeping one is cold, the revival tastes like honey. What about the one where you can read minds? I'm not sure if that one can help me right now. 

Maybe I should just wait for this off. I'll wake up sooner or later, right? Right. I should just relax and let everything go as it should.


Argh! Dim light can be so bright sometimes!

My eyes blink a bit before I get used to what I'm seeing. The sun just peeking through the window. Morning. Oh, how I missed the sun. I sat up and looked around the room, trying to figure out where I am. A chair is pulled up next to my bed, no one's sitting on it though. My boots are placed next to a dresser, along with my duffle bag. 

The smell of freshly baked Elvish bread came to my nose, making me remember how hungry I am, and hinting to the fact, that I am in Rivendell. Alright, time to go surprise my friends.

I hopped out of bed, which was a bad idea, I should've just slid down because after I hit the floor, I fell on my bottom. My hand gripped the bed for support as I pulled myself to my feet, then I rather wobbled than walked over to my boots.
I slid them on over my bare feet and opened the door to the hallway. It was rather empty, I was sort of expecting to see Elves roaming the place.

Since I had no sense of direction, I decided to follow the scent of Elven bread, which probably lead to the dining hall, with a chance that the company may be there.
Down one flight of stairs, two left turns and a right, I entered the archway to the hall. Relief washed over me to see Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Frodo at a table facing me, Aragorn and Gimli had their backs facing me. No Legolas, or Gandalf. Pippin looked up, eyes widening. He smacked Merry and the other hobbits. Aragorn turned and stood up.

He pulled me into a squeezing hug, it almost felt like he meant to crush me into dust.  

"Hi." My voice was scratchy. Probably from having no water. 

"You just died, and now you say hi?" Aragorn pulled back to look at me. His eyes glistened from tears. 

"Don't cry, otherwise I will cry." I wiped a tear from his cheek with my thumb. He smiled lightly.

"Lassie," I looked behind me to see Gimli walking my way. "Pull a stunt like that again, an' I will ave' myself a heart attack." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Rosa!" I was just about knocked over by four hobbits that all held me in a tight embrace.

"When I heard you were badly hurt, boy it gave me quite a fright." Said Sam.

"Well, I'm alright now. What about yourselves?" I asked. 

The reply was a mix of fine, good, a bit sore, and a fantastic from Pip. I chuckled then remembered the Elf. I looked at Aragorn with concern. 

"Where is Legolas?" I asked. 

"He should be-" Aragorn was interrupted by a plate crashing to the ground.

I turned and saw him standing still, his hand was still slightly open and held out in front of him. A broken plate lay shattered at his feet and he stared at me. 

"Right there." Aragorn finished.

Legolas stepped over the broken plate and quickly made his way towards me. I walked to him as well. As we reached each other, I wrapped arms around his waist and buried my face into his shirt. Legolas wrapped one arm and around my waist and the other around my neck with his hand against my head. 

"Are you alright?" His voice muffled against the top of my head. 

"Mhm," I replied. 

"I thought that I would never see you again," he whispered.

"I'm here now," I said. "It's okay. 

His grip on me tightened and one of his hands traced down my hair. 

"Let us get you a plate," he said. "You must be starving."

"Yes." I nodded. "But I don't want to move." Legolas chuckled lightly, and kissed the top of my head. 

"You need to eat, Kayla love." He stepped back, lifted my chin with his index finger, and inspected my face. "Your cheeks are hollow, your face is pale, and your eyes are tired. You should have something to eat." 

I nodded again and he held my face in his hands, looking into my eyes with such sorrowful admiration that it brought me tears. Legolas pressed his lips against mine and we stayed there for a few moments. It was a wonderful few moments. Legolas slowly broke the kiss and I held his hand and we walked back to the table where the others sat again.

We sat down, and instantly, Merry and Pippin started taking food from their plates and placed them down on mine. 

"You do know I could've gotten food on my own." I looked down at the pile on my plate. 

"Nope, we insist." Said Pippin. 

"You are much too exhausted to get up yourself," Merry added. 

"Thanks." I smiled lightly, then I remembered something.

"Aragorn, Denethor has passed right?"

"Yes." Aragorn nodded.

"Doesn't that make you next in line?" I asked.

"I think that makes Faramir next in line." Aragorn tried to move away from the subject.

"No, he's not, that'd be a steward. We don't need another steward in Gondor, they need a king." I popped a grape into my mouth. "Put the ranger aside, ya dope."

Aragorn looked over at me and pursed his lips. I raised an eyebrow challenging him.

"You know I'm right, brother." I picked a grape from my plate and popped it in my mouth. 

"Fine." Aragorn finished. 

I smiled and Legolas hummed a laugh. 

So I guess after this is Aragorn's coronation in Gondor... Then everyone goes home. Well, what about me? Do I go with Legolas to Mirkwood, or move back to Bree? Oh, this will be hard.

A/N: Shitty and short chapter. Sorry guys. 

The Fellowship's Silvertongue: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now