A Plan.

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The doors opened to the throne room, where the company, including Èomer, Faramir, and the twins, gathered. They were trying to figure out how we would attack Mordor without getting killed, and getting there on time before Frodo or Sam is killed.

The doors closed behind me, leaving Lilia and Alene behind. The men all looked over at me in awe. The company had seen me in loose Elven dresses in Rivendell and Lothlorien, but not tight fitted dresses like this. 

I swallowed and walked forward down the hall, trying not to bring any attention to myself. I stood next to Legolas, waiting for the conversation to start up again. 

Aragorn cleared his throat. "As I was saying," he began, "we cannot just walk in through the Black Gate, too many will see us, especially Sauron's Eye."

"You look very beautiful, Rosa," Legolas whispered. 

"Thank you, I can't breath," I whispered back. He let out a quiet chuckle, locked his fingers with mine, and drew his attention back to the discussion.

"What if we go in through the mountains?" Pippin suggested.  

"It's too risky." I shook my head. "Too many Orcs lurk there." 

"Well, then all hope is lost." Gandalf breathed out. "I should've never left Frodo."
Everyone stood in silence.

"That's not entirely true." I piped up. "There is away. We just need the perfect amount of noise." 

"And movement." Aragorn caught on. "If we keep Sauron's eye fixed on us, we can give Frodo and Sam enough time." 

"A diversion," Legolas said. 

"But we have one set back," Èomer spoke. "We may have many men, but Mordor has more. We'll never hold out long enough."

I glanced over at Merry who was reading Alice in Wonderland. On the back of the book was a picture of the Queen of Hearts' army. A thought came across my mind. I bit my inner lip to think for a moment before I began to smile. 

"Brilliant," I mumbled. 

"What?" Legolas looked at me. 

"I said 'brilliant,'" I replied. "Merry, hand me that book please." Merry looked up and handed me the book.

"I don't mean to be rude, but how is a book going to help us?" Faramir asked. 

"Everyone, into the courtyard." I turned to face everyone who looked at me like I had gone mad. 

"Rosa, this is no time for book reading." Said Aragorn. 

"I would go to the courtyard if I were you..." Legolas nudged him. 

Aragorn gave him a look of confusion before looking at me. Everyone sighed and followed me out to the stone courtyard, I flipped through the pages till I got to the description of the army.

"Everyone, stand behind the tree, and only get out your weapons, only, when I tell you to," I said.

The men did as they were told, hesitantly. Though Legolas, Pippin, and Merry were quick to draw their weapons. Legolas nocked an arrow and nodded at me.  

I cleared my throat and began to read.

"The army was dressed in red armor that took the shape of cards, printed with black hearts. Each one of them bore a spear or sword, each one of them ready to take any command. There was about two-hundred of them, Wonderland wasn't big enough for an army of five-hundred-" 

Red smoke circled the courtyard in front of me. There was a gust of wind and a loud boom like the roll of thunder. Then the entire army of The Red Queen appeared. All were confused about their surroundings. When they realized they had been snatched from their home, all spears pointed to me. The sound of a sword being pulled out of its sheath was heard behind me. I looked behind me, it was Aragorn. 

The Fellowship's Silvertongue: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now