Chapter 2

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Its been a week since school got out. And now I have to go to Camp All Day. None of my friends were going. So, I wouldn't know anyone there.

I packed my bags, getting ready for 3 weeks of boringness. I threw my cloths in the bag alone with my makeup bag. It may be summer but I'm need makeup.

As I was packing Ryan walked in. "What are doing?" He asked me. I looked at him. "I'm leaving." I continued to pack. "Your moving out?! Yes! Finally! I'm going to turn your room into a game room!" Really? "No, I'm not moving out! I'm going to camp. I'll be back in 3 weeks." His huge smile faded to a half smiles. "At least I am going to be an only child for 3 weeks." I rolled my eyes at him and threw more of my cloths into a bag. I looked at him and he just stood their. "And if you even come near my room...I will get you." Ryan's eyes widened. He knew I was serious. I laughed at how scared he looked. He was only 7. I couldn't help but know I was going to miss him.

After I packed, I brought all my bags down stairs and set them by the door. i was going to miss everyone. My dog ran up to me and grabbed the bottom of my jeans with his mouth and tugged. "I'm going to miss you, Haley." I got down next to her, on my knees, and rubbed her head. Haley wined. And gave me her cute puppy face. "Don't give me that face. I'll be back. In 3...short weeks. ugh."

The door bell rang. I stood up from petting Haley, and made my way to the door. I opened the door to see Lily standing here typing on her phone. "Hey, want to go see a movie today?" She said, still typing. "I-I'm leaving for camp today..." I trailed off.

Lily P.O.V.

Was she serious?! Today! I had planned all week what we were going to do together. I can't believe she's leaving me this soon. I'm going to miss her like crazy.

I looked up from her phone. "Are you serious? Savannah, I'm going to miss you a lot." I pulled her into a hug. "I'm going to miss you too." She hugging me back. "I'm not letting you go until you go until you leave."

At that moment, Savannah's mom walked over...with her car keys. No, not now. "It's time to go. come on Savannah." Her mom walked out to the car. I looked at Savannah. "Don't forget me." Savannah rolled her eyes. "Your my best friend Lily. I could never forget you." I took one long look at her.

We just looked at each other. Not knowing what to say. "Please, don't leave." She looked at me sternly. "I'll be back in 3 weeks." I hugged her once again.

Her mom honked at us. "see ya soon." She said, smiling. I just nodded my head, and tried not to cry.

Savannah walked to the car and got in. A tear fell down my face as the car stared. "3 weeks.." I said to myself. I stood at the side walk watching them back down the drive way and drive away, until I could no longer see them. She's gone. It's hard to watch your best friend leave and not come back for so long. It kinda makes me wish school wasn't over. But, it was. I missed her already.

I slowly walked home...

Savannah P.O.V.

I watched Lily as we drove away. My IPhone lay on my lap. "Sweetie, you can't bring your phone." My mom said, not taking her eyes off the road. " I don't want it getting lost." she continued.

"Oh come on. Please! I need my phone. Please, Mom!" I begged. My Mom looked at me then the road. "No...You leave the phone in the car." I rolled my eyes. My phone was the only way I could connect and talk to Lily. I wasn't about to give it up anytime soon.

"Ok, Mom. I'm putting it in your purse." I'm getting better at lying. She slowly nodded her head, watching the road. I pretended to put the IPhone into her purse but instead I slipped it into my back pocket, smirking.

After an hour of driving past trees, woods, and different camps. We finally parked at a beautiful camp, filled with beautiful cabins and smiling people that looked so kind. The birds sang and beams of the sun shined everywhere. "Wow! Is this Camp All Day?" I looked around in astonishment. My Mom smiled at me, from her seat. "Glad I signed you up now?" I looked around once more at the beautiful camp. "YES! Thank you, Mom!" I squealed, hopping out of the car and felt the warm sun on me. This summer was gonna be different. It was gonna be perfect. All starting with this camp.

I grabbed my bags from the back and walked in line to sign in. "Are you sure you can sign in on your own? Maybe, i could stay and help you settle in." I looked at my Mom like she was crazy. " No No No! I'm good! Bye Mom!" I said, pushing her to the car. "Oh ok, I'm going. have fun sweetie. See you in 3 weeks." I nodded and shut the door for her. And watched her leave. Finally!

I walked back over to my bags and picked them up. Mine were right next to someone else's. I looked up from the bags and saw a boy with chocolate curls. He looked up at me. All I can say about him is...Whoa. His emerald green eyed were the most amazing things I've ever seen. He picked up his bags, which were near mine. He smiled a perfect smile. My brown eyes got lost in his.

" need help with those bags? They look pretty heavy." He said, smiling kindly. I felt my heart melt at the sound of his voice. I just nodded my head. He put his bags aside and slowly picked up one of mine. I picked another up.

After he helped me sigh in, I had gotten my cabin number. "What's your cabin number?" He asked, not letting his smile leave his face. Gosh he's hot. "Um...cabin 7."I say looking at my card.

We both slowly walked to cabin 7. As we walked it was very quiet. He didn't talk much. Neither did I. I couldn't get over how nice he was. Doing all this for me was beyond sweet. Not to mention charming.

We finally got to cabin 7 and he gently place my bags on the small porch of the cabin. "Welcome to Camp All Day." He smiled and I smiled back. "'s your name?" I tilted my head, wondering what his name could be. "Oh...right...I'm H-" He was cut off when a girl walked by and called for him. "Harry, come on! Dinner starts soon and I want to get a good table!" She flipped her dyed red hair and batted her blue eyes at him. What a bitch. "I'm coming! Bye and again welcome to camp! See ya around." He flashed me a small smile and jogged over to the girl. He kissed her cheek and my heart dropped. She was his girlfriend. She flipped her hair and smiled. I just rolled my eyes and carried my bags inside. I took one look back at him at saw him looking at me. As fast as I could i looked away.


I walked into the cabin and 4 girls sat on one bed talking. As soon as I stepped in, it got quiet and they all looked at me. "Uh...hi." The one with long curly hair said. She walked over to me. "Your beds over here. I'm Daniel! You can call me Dani." She lead me over to an empty bed and helped get my bags on the bed. "Guys, don't be shy!" Dani said, motioning them to me. One with long brown wavy hair smiled and waved. "I'm Eleanor. You can call me El!" I smiled at El. One with blonde hair that was so blonde it was white. "I'm Perrie!" She said. The last girl with long straight brown hair and light blue eyes waved. "Hattie." She said. I waved. "What's your name?" Dani looked at me. "Savannah." They all smiled at the sound of my name. "Well Savannah...we were just talking about music. Would you like to join us?" Perrie asked. My face lit up and nodded my head fast and like an idiot. They all giggled . Dani sat with all the girls and I followed behind her. And we talked about all the things I liked. They were all so fun and cool. These were my kinda people. I like these girls. I think I just made 4 new friends. And a 1 new crush. Doing pretty good so far. But summer has just began. A whole new summer. A whole new life...

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