Chapter 7

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Savannah P.O.V.

Harry and I were washing the dishes, in the kitchen after we ate dinner. We weren't talking to each other. Neither of us know what to say. We glance at each other sometimes. But, no words came from our mouths. The mouths that almost touched.

Harry looked at me and smirked. "What are you smirking at?" I roll my eyes looking at him and then back at the dish I was cleaning.He continued to smirk. He looked like he was thinking. What are you thinking about, Styles?

Then out of no where he flicks water at me and shakes a wet rag, the water getting all over me. "What the fuck, Harry!? What was the for!?" I wipe to water away from my face and look at my wet shirt. He laughed. "You looked a little...dry." He smirked and let out a small chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

"You look a little dirty. Let me help with that!" I took and cup, filled it with water and pored it all over him. i jumped back laughing. "Hey! Your going to pay for that." He said in a low deep, kinda cute, voice.

He slowly walked towards me. I ran out of the kitchen an into the empty dinning hall. Harry chased me with a bucket of water tight in his grip. "Get back here!" He shouted chasing me around.

I climbed on top of a table and did a little dance causing Harry to drop the bucket laughing. We both laughed at the stupid dances I did. Finally Harry joined in. He started to do the sprinkler. Damn he's bad! We both danced around laughing when I got an idea. I looked around an saw a little stereo for the lunch ladies to play old classy music to.

I took my IPhone out of my back pocket and plugged it in to the stereo. I scrolled threw my songs looking for the perfect one. I had Elvis, Adel, etc...

I finally picked one of my favorite song. Who says by Selena Gomez. The music played the tune and looked at me. "Really? This song?" He grunted. I rolled my eyes and turned it up louder. "Change it please!!!" He begged. I sighed and changed it to Jail house rock by Elvis.

"I didn't think girls listen to him. He's my idol!" Harry squealed, and danced around. I grabbed a wooden spoon and sang into it like a microphone. I sang along to the song.

Harry suddenly looked at me as I stood on the table singing and dancing around, like I was on a real stage. In front of a real crowd. I always did love singing.

"Your good." He said, watching me. I looked at him, blushing. "Don't stop! Keep going!" He chanted. I laughed as he rooted for me, like an idiot. I shook my head and started to get down. "I'll keep sing with me." He looked at me for a minute. "No thanks." He walked away.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the table as the music played. He picked up a rolling pin and pretended to play the guitar. He made stupid face and I laughed as I sang. He sang as well. Then suddenly he put down the rolling pin and took the wooden spoon from me and put them down and started to dance around. He spun me around a few times as he did those stupid faces. He danced like such an idiot. But, that idiot...was becoming my best friend.

Harry P.O.V.

I was having so much fun dancing around with Savannah. I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot by how much she laughed. But, I don't care. It was so fun. Savannah would sing along with the song. Damn she could sing! I sang along to. I was pretty good.

I spun her around. She almost fell off the table when as I did. Yeah...I can't dance.

"Harry, you can really sing!" Savannah smiled at me. I smiled. "Thanks, so can you!" She blushed as i said that. She's kinda cute when she blushes. What!? NO! Stop it Harry! I mentally slapped myself.

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