Chapter 6

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I quickly ate lunch. After, I went to my first activity. Fishing. I'm terrible at fishing. It was hard.

I threw my blonde hair into a pony tail. And changed into a tank top and shorts. I headed out of the cabin and over to the lake.

When I got there I didn't think any of my friends would be there. But, as I arrived I saw a head full of brown curls along with those jade eyes.

I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned and looked at me. As soon as he saw me, a huge smile formed onto his lips. I smiled back. "Hey Savannah! Finally one of my friends are in my class." He threw his hands up and laughed. I laughed with him. "What about Charlotte? She's here." I pointed to Charlotte who was talking to some girl.

Harry looked at her then at me. "She's with Mallory! She won't talk to me if her best friend Mallory is here." Some girlfriend. "She doesn't sound like a very good girlfriend." I state. He quickly looked at me. "She is! Charlotte may mess up sometimes, but she will always come threw for me! You just don't know her like I do!" He snapped at me. His voice sounded so dark and scary. It made me jump.

I realized I had crossed the line. I felt bad about what I had said. "I'm sorry, Harry." I looked down. He took one look at me and his voice softened. "It's fine." I looked up at him. I didn't want to make him mad again so, I changed the subject.

"So, I'm pretty bad at fishing. How bout you?" I hoped he wasn't still mad at me. "I'm pretty good." He shrugged.

After awhile the leader finally spoke up and got every ones attention. "Ok everyone! Welcome to Fishing! We are going to have lots of fun! So, grab a rod and cast off. If anyone needs help then just come and get me." She skipped away.

Everyone grabbed a fishing rob, but Harry and I. He pulled me aside and whispered. "Hey, lets get outa here. I know a pathway to a small stream and it's fun. Wanna go?" I looked at the leader who was smiling, and being her perky, annoying self. "What if we get caught?" I say nervously. Harry shook his head and chuckled. "She's to busy with everyone else. She won't notice we are even gone! I've done this before. Never gotten caught. Come on!" He started to walk away and down a path. I followed him.

Charlotte P.O.V.

What is that little bitch doing with my Harry?! She is so busted. There is no way I'm gonna let her get Harry alone so she can make a move. He is mine.

That little girl is playing a dangerous game. And this is my game. There is no way I will let her win. Watch your back little girl. One way or another...your gonna loose.  

Harry P.O.V.

I walked down the path, with closely Savannah following behind. I looked back to make sure she was ok. She was.

I finally stopped at the small stream. It was beautiful. This was another place I came to get peace. The trickling of the water running over the rocks an onto more made me think. Which made great lyrics so my songs. Near by was a small cherry blossom tree. It was in bloom.

Savannah looked around in amazement. "Pretty cool, right?" I smile at her. She just nodded her head, not able to form words. I chuckle, and walk over to the steam. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Something.." I said, letting a small laugh leave my lips.

I hopped onto one rock that wasn't wet, in the stream. Savannah realized what I was doing a followed me.

 One after another. We hopped from rock to rock. Going back and forth, laughing when one of us almost fell. Savannah wasn't like any other girl at this camp. She understood me. She was easy to talk to, and fun to be around.

We both were on the opposite side on the stream, both standing on a rock. We both suddenly hoped onto the one large rock at the same time. I landed perfectly, but Savannah...not so perfectly. She started to wobble. Before I knew it, she was starting to fall back. 

As fast as I possibly could I grabbed her hands and held her tight. But, my rescue  plan didn't work very well. Instead on pulling her up, she pulled me down. She fell in the stream. Luckily on a large smooth rock. Her hands helped her from hurting her back.

I fell on top of her. We both just lay their. Me on top of her, just staring at each other. Her big brown eyes were much more beautiful up close. My curls tickled her face and she giggled. "Uh...s-sorry." I stuttered, nervously. Why was I nervous? She smiled at me.

Both of us were all wet, but neither of us seemed to care. We just laid their. Not moving. Finally, I moved...In.

My face got closer to hers. Our noses touched. My lips brushed against hers. It wasn't really a kiss. Our lips just barley touched. Harry!! What are you doing!? You've got a girlfriend! And if you really do this, your friendship could be ruined! STOP IT! I quickly got up, off her. I laughed nervously, as I helped her up.

That's when the leader came running over, with Charlotte following behind. "What are you two doing here!? You should be with the class! Go back now! And you punishment is kitchen doodie! For the next two days! Now go!" She sounded mad.

We both bolted back to the lake. But I could here the leader thanking Charlotte for telling on us. How dare she!

Me and Savannah ran back to the lake all wet.

I'll never forget that moment we almost kissed... 

Summer Love (Harry Style FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant