Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes, to seeing 4 figures hovering over me. "Huh?" I looked at them confused. "MORNING, SAVANNAH!" They yelled causing me to fall out of bed. I looked at them from the floor. Danielle, Eleanor, Hattie, and Perrie were laughing at me. I glared at them as Eleanor help me up. "What was that for?!" They all look at each other. "Breakfasts already started. Come on!" Perrie motioned me to the door.

I looked down at my PJ's and back up at them. "Let me get changed!" I run to my dour and took out some shorts and a t-shirt. I shut all the curtains and changed quickly. After I ran to the wall mirror and powdered on make up alone with mascara.

"Oh my gosh! You don't need makeup for breakfasts." Hattie said, pulling me away from the mirror and dragging me out the door. "Who you trying to impress anyway?" Eleanor smirked at me. They all giggled. "No one. Just what I always do." They all rolled they're eyes, and walked into the cafeteria.

The hole place was filled with kids older and younger than me. But, one person cot my eye. The bunch of curls and emeralds. Harry was his name. They boy who helped me with my bags the other day. He sat at a table with many other guys. All of the guys were cute. I think they're were about 4. Including Harry. I watched as he sat down and started to talk to his friends.

Can we go sit over their?" I looked at the table where Harry sat, then at the girls. They looked shocked. "No, No way! Come on." Perrie pulled me into the line to get food and the others followed behind us.

We waited in line. Each of us with a tray. Perrie was in front if us all, and in front of her was a boy with black hair and light brown eyes. He had his ears pierced and had on a dark jacket. I saw Perrie glance at him several times. It was so obvious she liked him. But, why didn't she just talk to him? He seemed like a normal guy.

I nudged her and she blinked her eyed a few times and looked at me. "What?" She look confused. "Oh come on. It's so obvious that you like him." I whispered so he wouldn't here me. "No I don't." She lowered her voice as well. "Talk to him." She looked at me as if I was insane. "Are you crazy?! That's Zayn Malik. He's super popular at this camp. I'm not. See my dilemma." I rolled my eyes. "He's a normal guy and your a normal girl. Talk to him." Perrie slowly nodded her head and turned her head in Zayns direction to find him walking away and sitting at a table. Next to Harry.

Perrie slowly looked down and signed. "Don't worry. You'll get your chance." She looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks." I nodded and walked toward a table and sat down. Perrie, Danielle, Eleanor, and Hattie. They all sat at the table with me and we started to have a riveting conversation about bunnies.

As we talked I swear I saw Harry glance at me from across the cafeteria. My heart skipped a beat and I looked at the ground. When I looked up he was still looking at me. Danielle looked back and saw him looking at me and snapped her head back to me. Harry looked away and continued to talk with his friends.

"Am I crazy or did Harry just look at you, Savannah!?" Danielle said very shocked. All the girls stopped talking and snapped her attention to me. "Harry Styles looked at you!?" Eleanor said, surprised. "Yeah, so?" I shrug. "He's one of the most popular guys in camp!" Perrie said. I looked at Harry. "So?" I shrug once again. "He's probably interested in you." Hattie blurted out causing my eyes to widen. "No, no! He just knows me cause he helped me with my bags when I got here!" They all looked so shocked. "That was sweet of him." Eleanor said in her sweet tone. I smiled. "Yeah, but he doesn't like me." I looked at them. "He's got girlfriend anyway. Charlotte. She's the most popular in camp. And she's a witch..." Danielle mumbled. I looked at her. " I know...I saw him with her..." I trailed off. "Those two have broken so many times, I can't keep up." Hattie said, chuckling. We all let out a small laugh. Moving on from the subject we started to talk about books.

Harry P.O.V.

I glanced at that girl from the other day. She was nice. I wish I knew her name.

"Hey Harry, what you looking at?" I looked away from the girl and to the guy in front of me. He chuckled and raised his eyes brow along with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Nothing, Lou." Louis just rolled his eyes alone with a small laugh as he took a bite of his eggs.

I glanced over at Zayn, who was messing around with his pancakes. He pushed them around on the plate with his fork. "You alright?" I asked, concerned. Zayn look up from his pancakes and at me. His brown eyes filled with worry. "Nothing.." He trailed off. I raised my eye brow at him and looked at him up and down. "There's this girl..." I smiled big and all the lads looked at Zayn when he said those words. There's a girl. "Aw, Zayn's got a crush!" Niall laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked at Zayn who didn't seem to be laughing, or even smiling.

"She's so beautiful, and smart and...and...amazing." He said in a daze. I chuckled at him as he looked at his pancakes then up at me.

"You boys talking about me?" A girly voice said. My girlfriend Charlotte sat across from me. "Hi Harry!" She said, smiling. I just looked up at her and waved then continued to eat. She looked a little disappointed. "Harry want to go for a walk later? In the woods." Charlotte smiled hopefully. "You hate the woods." I looked up at her. Charlotte always thought the woods were a dirty place for discusting creatures lived. She wasn't a nature person. I was. But, no one knew that. "Yeah, but I would have you there." She giggled cutely knowing that doing that could get me to do almost anything.

I smiled at her and slowly nodded my head. "Sure, sound fun." Her face brightened. "Thanks sweetie." She came around to the side of the table I was on and kissed my cheek. Normally I felt a spark when she did that. But, this time...nothing. Not a thing. Weird.

As breakfasts ended I rushed up out of my seat and threw my trash away. I bolted threw the crowd of people and looked around. Where was she? That's when I walked outside and turned my head to the left and saw her. The girl from yesterday. She was walking with some friends and smiling along with many little laughs. I slowly walked over to her, smiling. She noticed me coming and showed a small half smile.

"Hey, I'm Harry...from yesterday." I looked down then back up at her. "I remember. I'm Savannah." She said, sweetly. Savannah. "Cool. Just thought I could get your name. Thanks..." I trailed off. "I guess I'll see you around...Later," She said, running to catch up with her friends. Savannah. I liked that name.

I jogged over to the boys. "Who's she?" Liam asked. "Just a girl." I responded, smiling. They all chuckled. "What?" I asked, confused. "Nothing!" Louis said. "Ok? I'll see you guys later." I walked back to my cabin, which I shared with them all, to get ready for my walk In the woods with Charlotte. I hope she would actually show up for a date this time. All the other times she planned a date she was either late or didn't show up at all. She's a great girlfriend. Not...

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