Chapter 16

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Savannah P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of loud talking. I sat up an saw all the girl's were gone. Everyone was outside.

I slowly got out of bed. I didn't need to change because, i still had on the putfit from me and Harry's date last night. I smiled as i remebered that perfect night.

I walked outside, to see a giant crowd by the oak tree. Why?

I ran over to the crowd. Harry was in the front. I run over to him. "Harry! Whats going on?!" I asked, worried. He looked at me. He looked...Upset? "Someone cut down the oak tree." His eyes filled with saddness. I knew Harry loved that tree. It was his special place! Who would do this?!

A police man made his was over to the camp's main leader. "Did you find anything?" The leader looked angry but worried at the same time. The police men held up a flower tiara. Shit....It was mine...

"Who's is that?" The leader looked around then back at the cop. "How could you, Savannah?" Harry looked even more upset. "I didn't do it!" I said., loudly. "Then why is your flower tiara here?! The one I gave you!" His eyes now filled with anger.

I can't believe he didn't belive me!

"Miss? This is yours?" The cop held up the tiara and i slowly nod. "I'm going to have to ask you to come down to the station with me, to be asked a few questions." WHAT?! "SIR! I can assure you i didn't do it!" I pleaded him to not take me to the station. But, he just said I needed to calm down. Harry just stood there, Disapointment slapped onto his face.

"Miss. Please come with me." He grabbed my arm an lead me to the car with the flashing red an blue lights. I looked back at Harry. I was so mad at him. He didn't belive me. I was so done with him. So done...

As the officer placed me in the car, i saw Charlotte, smirking. He had a small flower in her hand. It looked familar. Wait...I know where that flower came from. It was from my tiara. SHE DIDN"T!!! SHE DID!!!

That little bitch set me up.

I was placed into the car and the cop got in the front seat. Anger, confustion, and saddness filled my heart. My wrold was falling apart. Everything was falling out of place. My world was crumbling to the ground. My life was a piece of shit. My enemy set me up, my boyfriend doesn't belive or trust me, and I was being arrested.

Kill me now...

Harry P.O.V.

Fuck my life. Fuck everything.

I can't believe she did this. I cared about her. Hell, I loved her! But, something inside me told me that she didn't do it. But, I ignored that voice.

I watched the police car drive away. I saw her angelic face in the window. She glares at me an shook her head, in discust.

Everything was going so wrong. My world was messed up. I just wish everything would go right. I just wish I could stop it.

Somethings not right. Something is very wrong.


(A/N)~ OMGZZZ!!!! Didn't see that coming did you?! Savannah got arrested! Guys...I only have a few chapters left until the end of my book. sorry. Anyway! You wanna read an amazayn book?! check out @Narry_lover524
She's one of my besties! Check out her book! It's amazayn! Literally! READ it, COMMENT, and VOTE!!! BYEZZ!!!!



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