Chapter 12

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Harry P.O.V.

My face got closer to her's. This was the perfect moment to make my move. The perfect moment to make her mine.

Our face continued to get close. Then...It happened. My lip's crashed onto hers. It was amazing. I placed my hand on the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. She was mine. I hope.

After a few minutes of the amazing kiss, I pulled away. Her eyes fluttered open an stared at me. Her prefect eyes filled with...fear? She was scared. Of me? Of the kiss? What?!

"I'm sorry...I can't do this." She got up an ran away. "SAVANNAH! Please wait!" She didn't stop. I chased her but, lost her when she made a sharp turn into camp.

I looked all over camp for her. What just happened?

Savannah P.O.V.

I can't believe that happened! And I ran away! I hope she doesn't come after me! I had to run! Charlotte saw every thing! She must have followed me and Harry. She glared at me with cold blue eyes and all I could do was run.

I ran hoping not to run into Harry or Charlotte. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

I looked back to make sure I lost Harry. When I faced forward, I stopped running so fast I fell over. I looked up from the ground, and saw Charlotte and her posy. I got up and tired to act like nothing happened. "Oh! Hey gals! What's happening?" They all rolled they're eyes.

"Don't play dumb! I saw everything! How dare you kiss my boyfriend?!" Charlotte roared, poking my shoulder hard. Her boyfriend?! "Um...Last time I checked he dumbed your sorry ass!" I crossed my arms, trying to be tuff. "HA! That's funny! Girl's, she think's she's scary. That's cute. But, don't underestimate me. I can ruin you." Her words scared me.

I un-crossed my arms. She looked very mad. "What could you do? Tell Harry not to kiss me? He wont listen to you!" I roll my eyes and chuckle, waiting to see her reaction. "No, I can't do that. But, I can make him hate you. Or...I can get that stupid oak tree he loves so much chopped down." My heart stopped for a second. "You wouldn't." I glared at her. "Try me. And he might even think...You got it cut down." She laughed, making shivers go down my spine.

I looked down. "What do you want from me?" She showed an evil smirk. "You can't be his girlfriend. So, I say you should do everything you can to make sure you two stay just friends. How bout...You not be his friend either." She chuckled. I felt like shit right now. "Ok...done...I won't go anywhere near him. Just don't touch that tree. Or that stream. They both mean so much to him."

"Oh! I wasn't even thinking of the stream! Well, Good I see you will do as told. Right?" I slowly nodded. "Good girl. Oh look here he comes. Don't do anything stupid. Or I will ruin those two places." She slowly walked away.

I turned around to see Harry behind me. "Savannah! Are you ok? Did she do anything to you?!" He felt my forehead, to see if I'm sick. I pulled his hand away, and sighed. "I'm sorry I ran away." Tears filled my eyes. He smiled at me. "It's ok." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He was making this so hard.

"Harry, don't. I'm sorry. I can't do this." I pushed his hand away and ran off...again.

I cant believe I had just done that! He's gonna hate me! I guess that's what Charlotte wanted. I had to do it, I didn't want her having those to places that Harry loved so much torn down. I'm such a bad friend. I kissed him, ran away, he came looking for me, found me, and I ran away again. I'm a great friend. Not...

I wish I could have told him...That I like him...A lot...Well, no need to tell him now. He's gonna hate me.

At least I got to kiss him. It was perfect.

This is not what I meant by a summer romance. This is the opposite. I thought the drama would be fun. But, Nooooo! It's terrible.

I wanna go home...

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