Chapter 4

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Harry P.O.V.

I slowly ready the text in my head. "Hey Hazza bear, meet me by the lake for our romantic walk.~Cxxx." I smiled at her cute little signature.

I took off my white t-shirt and put on a black. Then started on my hair. I played around with my locks but instead of making look better, I made them look worse. I couldn't even get a brush threw it. I tried on last time to brush it. "Fuck that hurt!" I said, throwing the brush onto my bed. It fell next to where my beanie lay. My beanie. I slowly picked up the beanie and shoved my messy curls into it. I looked ok.

I didn't want to go on the date empty handed. But, I had nothing to give her. I shrugged and walked toward the door. That when Niall and Louis walked in. "Where are you going?" Louis smirked at me. "A date with Charlotte." I said, blankly. Louis grunted when I said her name and Niall rolled his eyes. "What? You don't like Charlotte?" They just did it again when I said her name. "She doesn't seem to be as into the relationship as much as you are. You treat her so well but she doesn't treat you the same. Everyone of your dates, she has either missed or was late. I just don't want to see you get hurt, Harry." Louis said, making me think. I shook my head. "It's not like that this time. She's changed." I walked past them and out the door slamming it hard behind me.

I can't believe Lou said that about my girlfriend. I thought he was suppose to me by best friend. He should support me. And Niall just stood there like an idiot. What a bunch of dumbasses. Anger filled my body. But, I needed to calm down for the date. I didn't want to be angry the hole time. I took a deep breath and walked toward the lake.

When I got there I didn't see Charlotte anywhere. So, I waited. And waited, and waited.

I had waited for an hour. Then I finally got a text from her. I read it out loud. "OMG I'm so sorry, Baby! I lost track of time with the girls. Can't make it. Sorry, Luv ya!~Cxxx." I wanted to yell. The lads were right. She doesn't care about me. She doesn't put as much effort into our relationship as I do. I was so mad I wanted to snap something in half. So, I grabbed a huge branch that had fallen off a big tree. I held the branch with my bare hands and snapped it in half. I didn't feel any better.

I threw the broken branch into the lake. I got yelled at by the life guard. But, I didn't care. After getting yelled at I ran into the woods. I walked around. I knew these woods like the back of my hand. I came here when ever Charlotte stood me up. Which was a lot.

I walked around and then I finally found it. The old oak tree. I always would come to this one and climb it. There was many oak trees but, this one was special. First one I ever climbed. I knew it was this one cause that day I carved a H into it.

I looked on the side of the oak tree and saw an H carved into it, and is slowly started to climb the tree. When I got to a special branch I sat on it. In the tree was a burrow. The kind squirrels went in. But, no squirrel ever went into this one. The burrow was right next to the branch. I slowly reached into it and pulled out a notebook and a pen. This is something know one knew about me. Not even the lads. I loved to write songs. I do. I came up here when ever I had a bad day or needed to get something off my chest. Writing a song helped lift the weight off the shoulders. But, I've never sang them. I don't know if I can sing. I've never tried.

I flip to an empty page and start to write done my ideas for a song. Then I flipped to a new page and started to write the rhymes. They just pored out of me. Once I started writing nothing could really stop me until the song was done.

I was about to write the lasts line of the song when I heard a soft sweet voice. "Hey." It said. I snapped my head up and looked around. "Down here." I looked down the where the voice came from. I saw her, Savannah. I felt a smile creep onto my face. I quickly shoved the notebook and pen into the burrow and climbed down to her.

My feet touched the ground and I stood in front of her. "Hey, Savannah." I smiled. "What were you doing up there?" I froze. What would I say. Could I trust her not to tell anyone? She seemed so sweet. I'm sure I could. But, I needed to ask.

"Can I trust you?" She nodded. I took a deep breath. "Come on." I started to climb up the tree and got to the branch. I looked down to see she hadn't moved since I starting climbing. "I-I can't climb very well." She stuttered. I chuckled. "Come on. You can do it." I assured her. She smiled up at me and started to climb up.

Savannah finally made it to me but wasn't on the branch. She just needed to pull herself up. "I can't do it." She shook her head and looked scared. I looked into her big brown eyes and smiled. "Just pull yourself up. Here, take my hand." She shook her head to scared to let go. I saw her hands slipping from the branch. "Please, Savannah. Take my hand." I reached out to her. She looked at me and let go with one hand and grabbed my hand. "Now give me your other hand." She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Are you fucking crazy?!" I chuckled at her and nodded. "Everything will be ok. Give me your other hand. I won't let you fall." I saw the branch she held onto start to crack and my eyes widened. "Now! Please, Savannah." I looked at her than the cracks in the branch that could break at any moment.

She looked at me and as fast as possible, grabbed my hands with both of hers. the branch snapped and fell to the ground with a huge thump. I pulled Savannah up and onto the branch I was on. She looked at the branch that had fallen in fear. "Your welcome." I chuckle. She smiles at me. "Thanks"

"So, you going to tell me what you were doing?" She tilts her head. I nod and reach into the burrow and pull out the notebook and show her the songs I've written. "Did you write these?" She looks at me then the notebook. "Yeah. Don't tell anyone about this. Please!" I begged, as she flipped threw the notebook reading the songs.

Savannah P.O.V.

"Why wouldn't you want people to know about this? These are amazing songs!" I say to him. He smiles. "Thanks. But, everyone just thinks I'm the popular, jock. I don't know if anyone will still like me if I tell them. Not, even the lads know." I look up from the notebook. "Those guys you sat with at breakfast?" I ask. He nods. "I'm sure they'd still be your friends. Something this small shouldn't change it. If they were your real friends they would support you." I assure him.

Harry just looked at me for a minute. "Thanks...Do you think its weird?" He asked. My head shot up from the notebook and looked at him. "No way! I think this is really cool! Not a lot of guys are really into music. Well, guys I know." I shrug. "Well, now you know me. So you know one for more guy that's into music." He smiles at the ground and chuckles.

I look at his curls that were shoved into a beanie, then my eyes locked with his. "There's a lot of things people don't know about me." He takes the notebook from my hands and shoves it into a burrow. "And I would like to find out those things..." I trailed off. Harry look away from the burrow with all the pens in it and notebook. "Maybe you will. Come on! I bet everyone is wondering where we are!" He climbed down and helped me down.

We slowly started to walk back to camp. It was quiet. Then I finally spoke up. "I won't tell anyone. You can trust me." He looked at me and smiled. "Thanks." His jade eyes sparkled.

When we walked into camp, everyone kinda glanced at us. We just continued to talk to each other, ignoring the looks. But, one person cot my eye. Charlotte. She was glaring at me. Her cold blue eyes cut threw me. Her dyed red hair like fire. She had on a pair of shorts and perfect tank top that was so pretty.

I tried my best to ignore her, but she kept staring as I tried to talk to Harry.

"Harry! Come here!" Charlotte yelled, smiling and waving at Harry. Harry rolled his eyes and grunted. "Bye, Savannah" He looked at me. "See ya later!" He nodded.

As he jogged over to Charlotte I saw him force a fake smile onto his lips. Poor Harry. I walked away.

There's a lot more to Harry than I could have imagined. It was sweet that he trusted me and told me all that. But, there was so much more he had hidden. And I wanted to know its all. I needed to wait tho. But, I have a feeling that me and Harry will be good friends. Me...Harry's friend...Whoa...I like that. A lot...

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