Crystal is like lossing it O.O

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Star/Claire: HAIIII-

Kaoru/Koca: SHUT UP!!

Kaoru: Anyways you we got one of your favourite darers! Itsssss Crystalmy188!!!

Crystal: Hmmm, I dare Star to throw a bucket of dirt on Levi, and Death the Kid who would you rather date? Maka, Liz or Patty?

Admins: *whisper* Kid already has a girlfriend....

Crystal: And whoever he chooses (or all of them if he refuses to choose) GETS TO MAKA CHOP HIM WITH ANYTHING THEY CHOOSE!!

Star: *already threw the dirt* Done

Kid: *wakes up* I have to what?

Realian: Idiot *sigh and Maka chops him with a chair*

Liz/Patty/Maka: *Maka chops him also*

Claire: *yawns* I'm getting tired... *teleports to a bed* Night minna

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