Detention with cake

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Star:Hey guys. We are at detention.*frowns*

Rogue:It's not my fault!!

Lucy:Yeah we know.

Yuki:*walks in*

Lucy:What are you doing here? Did you get detention too?

Yuki:No. I'm here for a dare.

Natsu:I should've known...

Yuki:Shut up Flame Brain!

Lucy:We're just not in the mood.

Yuki:I dare Rogue to eat this cake I made!*takes out the cake*

Rogue:That's easy.*grabs the cake*

Yuki:*giggles* *walks to Wyt* *whispers so low Rogue can't even hear it in his dragon hearing* I just put in random stuff in there. I never knew it would turn out so Beautiful!*giggles*

Wyt:*smirks with a little evil smile*

Rogue:*eating cake* Ow! What is this! Why is there a spoon in here?! Gross!! There's dirt!! What the heck did you even put in here!!

Yuki:Random stuff.

Rogue:You could have killed me!!!

Everyone in detention:*laughs*

Guildarts:*walks in* What's the commotion in here??

Everyone is silence O-O


Everyone:*starts laughing*

Lucy:That's was such a cool trick you pulled on him!

Wyt:I have a dare. I dare Rogue to jump into the freezing pool out there.


Rose:*kicks Rogue out the window into the freezing pool* YOU'LL THANK ME LATER!!!!

Rogue:L-like t-that's g-going t-t-to happen.*shivers in the water*

Gray:Ice-make gizzare!! *freezes the pool*

*Everyone laughs*



Ask or dare the Dragon Slayers!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora