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Star:Merry New Year!!


Wyt:That's not a word Star.*crosses her arms*

Star:Ohhh. Ok! Happy Christmas!

Lucy:That's not what you say!*sweatdrops*

Wyt:And I thought Natsu and Sting were the stupid ones.

Natsu and Sting:Heyyyyy!!

Gray:Like idol like fan.

Natsu and Sting:Hey!!*looks at each other and nodes*hehehe!*starts to get in a fight with Gray*

Gray:Come at me Flame Brains!!

Natsu and Sting:Ok then Ice Pervert!*starts fighting with Gray*

*Doors get slammed open*


Sting,Natsu and Gray:*form a line,shakes and stops fighting*

Yuki:As Star said last time you guys are doing a Christmas special! I got a dare for all of you!! My dare is you have to sing*looks at Christmas Carols*Jingle Bells!

*Everyone starts sing Jingle bells* *I'm to lazy to write it down.,please just listen to the video on the top*

~End of Song~

Star:That was fun!! What did you think Wyt!

Wyt:It was not bad. I barely sang the song.*smirks*

Yuki:Next DARE!!*pulls Rogue away*

Rogue: hey! What do you want?

Yuki:I dare you to steal Erza's cake without her looking!

Rogue:Are you insane! I'll die trying!

Rose:*sighs*Just do the dare Rogue

Rogue:Why is it always me with the torture?!!

Yuki:I just love torturing people!

Rogue:*sarcastically* I didn't notice.

Yuki:*pushes him to the scene*

Erza:*eating cake*

Yuki:Hey Erza!!

Erza:*turns to face Yuki*

Rogue:*takes the cake*

Sting:Hey Rogue! What are you doing? Is that Erza's cake?

Rogue:YEA YEA!!!*gives it to Sting*

Sting:What do I do with it?

Rogue:*runs away*

Erza:*turns around to eat her cake. Notices that her cake is missing. Then finds Sting with the cake*Sting why do you have my cake?

Sting:Long story!*Rogue bumps into him and the cake goes on Erza's face*

Erza:*shocked for a few seconds!then starts chasing after Sting and Rogue*STINGGGGG!!!!!!!ROGUEEEEEE!!!

Sting and Rogue:We hate you Yuki!!*running away*

Rose:Sting deserves it, but I don't think Rogue does!?!?*sweatdrops*

Yuki:Bye!! I'll be back with more EVIL DARES!!!*laughs evilly and walks out the door*



Lucy:Have a very marry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Frosch:Fro thinks so too!

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