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💕Hi guys!💕 Excuse the picture I saw it and I legit died on the floor of laughter. Harry looks like a potato with a fish mouth and fish eyes I legit couldn't stop laughing. Anyways, It's like 2AM right now but I just really wanted to say thank you to everybody for taking the time to read my books and Comment and vote because I really appreciate it. I just love reading your comments so much. Sometimes I would read them when I'm upset and it would make me smile honestly because of how great you guys are and I just want to say I love all of you so so much. Every single one of you guys. Even if you even read a sentence or the title of my book I still love you 😂😂. This book is coming to an end but I will be working on more books and I might make a sequel to this depending on how it goes. I already have the ending planned but sometimes I tend to change my mind last minute so we'll see how that goes hehe. Anyways I have to get up in like 2 hours for school so I'm going to sleep! I love you guys! Cute as a button every single one of you!!💼👞👔👓..

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