-Chapter Two- Joining The Military

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"Nell, I know what your thinking. Dont worry they dont know who we are yet, they only know our location." Roman said to me.

He could feel the fear radiating off of me. I was petrified with fear. My face held no noticeable feelings but I was stiff and my grip on the mattress was unbreakable.

"How? Why?" I turned to face my brother panic evident in my voice.

"I never wanted this!" I said holding back tears.

I was scared, I just wanted to be home and to not have to deal with being on the run my whole life. I knew he knew that too.

"Seriously Nell, it will be ok. I got somebody to help us out a bit." He assured me.

I looked at him confused. What does he mean he got someone to help? Who?

I have hope now. But, how long will this small amount of hope last me? They know where we are...it wont be long until they find us.

"He's General Roth Killigan in the capitol. You remember him right?" He stated.

Sir Killigan of Cilicia. Our father knew him well. A kind man. Was very young to become a General. He was twenty seven. That was ten years ago.

I remember when my brother and I were little and General Killigan, who wasn't a General at the time, would come over and bring Helios. Helios was a large beast that looked half wolf and half lion. Beautiful creature. Those memories put a smile on my face for a bit. It was bitter sweet memories though.

Roman snapped me out of my thoughts by dropping a briefcase in front of me with a loud thud.

"What's that?" I ask.

He looks at me and had a look of... something I couldn't quite read. Concern? Sadness? Confusion? I have no clue.

"Here's the thing. We might have to split up.....Might!" He looked kinda excited when he said that.

I looked him in his pale purple eyes.

I stare at him, brows furrowed in confusion.

He kicked the briefcase to me and explained to me what was going down.

"This is money for you in case of an emergency. I also have some too. General Killigan is going to take us in, so he'll cover our costs of living and food. But you have a choice, you can either work a nine to five job in the kitchen at the military base here or join the military and train with other recruits." He looked hopeful. As if he didn't want me to pick one of them.

I knew which one he didn't want me to choose. He didn't want me to join the military. Why? Obvious really. He doesn't want me to get hurt. But he knows very well that I can take care of myself. But that's the big brother in him trying to protect his baby sister.

Roman and I both grew up learning how to fight. We both learned many different ways of fighting. Roman could probably take down a whole pack of werewolves. And your probably thinking, 'but werewolves are really strong', yes that's true, but being Nihil has quite an advantage. Our bones are made of an almost indestructible material and we don't feel things the same way most beings do.

"I'll join the military." I say.

Roman looked a little bit annoyed at my choice. But a smile sneaked out.

"Fine." He said. "I'll get everything set up." He says as he sticks his hands in his pockets.

"What about you? Where are you going?" I ask almost forgetting about what he was going to do.

"You don't need to worry about me. I will be near by." He said with a little smirk.

I look at him with an annoyed look. Seriously, he's a butt head.

"Your stupid." I stated teasingly.

"But seriously, where you going?" I ask seriously.

"Don't worry about it." He says smugly.

I then started to pack up my stuff, which wasn't much, and clean up the place so we don't leave a trace.

After I finished getting ready for my brother and I to leave, Roman walked through the door.

"Here is the place you will be staying." He said as he handed me a piece of paper. "I'm leaving now. You can go tomorrow. When it isn't dark out." He pointed out the window.

I sighed. I'm scared honestly, the Agrath military are some of the most ruthless trained killers in the world. And the Agrath king, well I dont actually know anything about him, no one really does. All anyone knows is he's a cold blooded murderer with devilish good looks. But those are just rumors. At least the devilish good looks is a rumor, it's fair to say he's a coldblooded murderer.

I go up to my brother with my arms out for a hug and he embraced me as well.

"It'll all be alright. Everything is going to work out in the end." He assured me.

We both separated from the hug and said our goodbyes. I laid down on the floor against the wall and fell asleep.

That morning I woke up early. At six o'clock. Grabbed all my stuff and headed to the capitol city of Uphema.

It was a four hour walk. So I got there around ten thirty.

Went straight to the address on the paper and found myself standing in front of a big building. I went in and looked around the lobby area. It was a quiet, cozy place to hang out.

I walked over to the elevators and pushed the button for the eighth floor. The door was about to close when someone grabbed the closing door and quickly slipped in.

"Hi." He said awkwardly to me. The only other person in here.

I smiled and nodded.

It was an awkward silence until he broke it. Not that he needed to, in fact I'd prefer that he didnt say anything.

"So you must be new here." He said pointing to my bags.

"Oh, yeah. Just moving in now." I said awkwardly.

I really hope I dont have to kill anyone in this building after just moving in.

"I'm Allen, by the way. Welcome to the building." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Cornelia. Nice to meet you." I grabbed his hand and we shook.

The elevator dinged and it was my floor, so I got off and headed down the hall to room 127.

I set everything on the floor and grabbed the key my brother gave me the night before out my pocket and unlocked the door. I threw my stuff on the already furnished apartment floor and headed to the kitchen. On the dark stone counter I found a note.

It read:


I stocked the fridge and put your uniform in the bedroom. An envelope is on the nightstand in the bedroom with your credentials and money for food and other necessities. Training begins tomorrow at 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, Tuesday through Friday, Saturdays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Your new phone is in the envelope.

-Sir Roth Killigan

Let's get lunch sometime to catch up. Helios misses you a lot.

I smiled at the last part. Helios, that beautiful beast.

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