-Chapter Four- I Get Into Trouble

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I feel a hand placed onto my shoulders lifting me up off the ground and something soft rub against my legs.

"Hey, Sweetie are you ok?" Asked uncle Roth with concern in his voice.

I shake my head, I'm not ok. I'm hyperventilating. I try to take deep breaths and calm myself down, slowly but surely I'm beginning to gain my composure back as Uncle Roth held me and Helios whimpered at my feet.

Sirens were off in the distance and I could tell that the explosion was close by. Students were all running towards it, curious as to what was happening. I was also curious, but terrified.

I had the urge to go see for myself what it was all about and to find danger.

I looked down at Helios and he looked up at me. You could tell he was excited to go into danger.

I followed the urge, the overpowering power that draws me towards the disaster.

Uncle Roth and my group were also following behind Helios.

As we got closer I could see a crowd has gathered and military police was stearing the crowd away from danger. The danger being a large office building on fire.

I try to look for a way in, all I see is two broken glass doors with two MPs standing at either side with guns.

"Get back!" Other MPs yell to the crowd forming.

The crowd begins to back up, carrying all of us with it. I start to push through the crowd, Helios following behind me, until I reach a MP with his arms out, pushing the crowd. I feel something calling me inside that building.

I know that going in is suicidal, but I cant stop the urge.

I duck under the MPs arms and dash for the building.

"Hey kid, get back here!" He yells at me.

"Cornelia!!" Uncle Roth yelled after me.

The other MPs who weren't pushing the crowd back started to run towards me but I dodged them and already ran into the building before they could follow me.

I stood there in the crime scene, fire blazing everywhere, people screaming in pain. I saw two men under a slab of concrete, I lifted it off of them and pulled them out with my free hand. I dropped the slab and it made a huge thud causing dust and ash to fly everywhere. I swatted the ashes away from my face as I coughed.

"Thank you." Coughed one of the people that I pulled out from under the slab.

"What happened?" I ask him with sadness as I looked around to see multiple dead bodies burnt to a crisp.

An elemental did this.

There was one man near the elevator that looked like he was gonna live, but was still in a lot of pain.

"A guy walked in and went to the front desk, grabbed the girl there and strangled her with his bare hand. Then the guy that was with him created the explosion. He was an Elemental. The other guy was for sure a Were of some sort." He said finishing with a whimper.

"Can you stand?" I asked looking around in case someone else was still here.

"Yeah kinda." He says as he tries to get himself up.

"Is she alive over there?" I ask him pointing to the other person I pulled out. He pulls himself over to her and checks for a pulse.

"Yeah she is. Just unconscious." He yelled.

"Ok." I say to myself. I go over to the guy by the elevator and help him up and over to the door.

"You can walk ok, right?" I ask.

Though The World Fail, I'm Still HereNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ